The hunter chuckled as he wiggled from the angels grasp. "Yours." He whispered back.

The angel refused to let the man go. "Son of a bitch Cas. We need to get ready!" The hunter said laughing louder now as Cas began tickling him.

"Aw! Mother Fucker! Stop-ah! Dude!" Dean was now squirming and writhing under the angel's quick fingers.  "You dick!- Sto- Oh my God! -Fuck Cas!"

Sam poked his head out from the bathroom he was getting a little annoyed now. He saw Cas sitting on top of Dean and tickling him hard. Despite himself Sam couldn't help but snicker a little bit thinking of all the times he had woken up his brother like that. Dean was unbelievably ticklish. It was almost comical!

"Come on you guys! Be serious here!!" Sam yelled laughing as he went back into the bathroom.

Dean finally pushed Castiel off of him and quickly stood up.

"Well..... That's one way to wake me up." Dean gasped breathlessly.

Castiel smirked as he also stood up. He would have to keep in mind that Dean was super ticklish. The angel wondered where else he was ticklish..... That would be a rather fun experiment for another day.

The angel followed Dean into the kitchen as he poured himself a cup of black coffee. Castiel eyed Dean's cup curiously.

The hunter raised his eyebrows and asked "Do you want a cup of coffee?"

The angel grinned brightly. Humans drink this stuff all the time so it had to be good.

Dean set his cup down for a moment and reached for a new cup. "Just fair warning I drink my coffee black so it's kind of-"

Behind him he heard Castiel hiss softly. Dean turned around and saw Cas had decided to take Dean's cup and drank from it.

"-Bitter......" Dean said trailing off slowly.

"That's disgusting!" The angel growled setting the cup down and looking at it in anger.

"Do you want me to make you a sweeter cup?" Dean asked.

The angel nodded eagerly as they heard Sam screech "Don't use my damn creamer Dean!!"

Dean laughed evilly. Sam had recently tried buying flavored coffee creamer.  Dean usually stayed away from it at all costs to avoid a major Sam meltdown. However, today he figured what the hell as he poured some of the milky substance into a cup of coffee for Cas.

Sam came barreling into the kitchen "DID YOU GIVE HIM SOME DEAN?!"

Castiel took a sip of the drink his eyes widened and he gasped out loud.  "This is amazing Dean!"

"God Damn it Dean! Now he's going to drink all my damn creamer!" Sam growled angrily.

"I won't drink all of it Sam." Cas said taking another sip of the warm and now very sweet drink. "Just most of it!"

Sam gave both of them a deadly bitch face as Dean roared with laughter.

Due to Dean and Castiel's shenanigans it took them an hour and a half to get completely dressed and put all their supplies into the impala.

The boys rarely took showers before hunts anymore. They would just come home bloodied up and dirty a few hours later defeating the whole purpose of a shower.

"Okay Sam where do we need to go?" Dean asked as they all climbed into the Impala.

Sam pulled out his GPS and looked up the address. "Here." he said pointing to a spot on the GPS map.

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