1: The Scent Of New Stationery

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You woke up to the sound of the alarm going off. You groaned, rolled over and stuck your face in your pillow and reached for your phone on your bedside table. You didn't feel anything. You grow and once again, took a long breath, and flung yourself upright. Blinking a few times, you yawned and took your phone from the floor. Wow. It had fallen down once again when you were sleeping. You turn the alarm off and sighed loudly, stretching out your arms. You got up and grabbed your towel and headed off to your bathroom.

After a warm shower, you picked out an oversized (f/c) hoodie and high waisted (skinny/mom jeans). You fixed up your (h/l) (h/c) hair in your chosen hairstyle. you took a deep breath and looks at your reflection in the mirror one last time before heading downstairs.

Putting on your black Converses, you got on your feet and begin the walk to school. You felt a mix of emotions stir within you. You were nervous, that's for sure. But you were also looking forward to a new year with new experiences and, basically, a whole different school.

--timeskip to le school and after meeting a horse obsessed principal--

You stood in front of the classroom door, tapping your foot rapidly. You didn't know what to expect. Would they be nice to you? Would they look at you with weird stares? Oh well. You took a deep breath, and opened the door, turning the heads of everyone to look at you. You looked ahead and went in, closing the door, walking towards the teacher, ignoring the looks. He gave you a warm smile which you returned.

"(F/n) (L/n)?" He asked, looking down at a few documents. You glanced down at the papers, seeing the 'Parents/Guardian' section filled with your aunt's information. You let out a breath of relief, because she had filled them in, like you asked her to.

"One and only," you responded. He nodded, looking at you. "Well, I'm Mr. Noah, nice to meet you, (L/n). Since you're the last one from my class to arrive, you have no choice but to sit next to Egbert over there." He gestured to an empty seat, which you noticed immediately, because it was the only empty seat left.

You nodded and made your way to the back, taking your seat. You leaned back. People were still giving you weird stares, so you raised your eyebrows at them in annoyance, to which some of them pretended to cough and looked away. You rolled your eyes - they didn't have to be so obvious with their staring. Jeez.

The adorable boy next to you turned to you and smiled. "Hey, welcome to Alternia High!" he said enthusiastically. "I'm John."

You sat upright and gave him a smile back. "Hey, I'm (F/n). Thanks, John." Before any of you could say anything else, Mr. Noah started telling the class about himself, and welcome to a new year, work hard and all that jazz.

Everyone was paying attention - well, kinda. Half of the class - including you - were probably already lost in thought. You were wondering if chickens sink or float when John handed you a little note he wrote.

so not trying to offensive or anything.
but do you wanna come with me and my friends during lunch??
y'know, considering you're new and all and probably don't know many people.

You grinned.

Yeah, sure. I don't know anybody lol

You watched John happily read your reply. It was adorable.

okay, yay!!! :D
you can find us in the cafeteria somewhere in the back. just come over, they're gonna be pumped to meet you!!

Man, people were nicer here than your previous school already.

The day dragged on and on until it was finally time for lunch. You held your tray of food in your hands as you searched for a sign of John, who frantically flailed his arms about until you noticed him. You went over to the table which had two other people, a composed blonde who was reading a thick book about magic and a girl with long hair and round glasses rocking a hoodie with doggos on it.

You stood there for a moment before the girl perked up and saw you, then waved with a wide grin. "Hi! You must be (F/n)!!" You smiled back, wow you were feeling goddamn loved and welcomed today. It felt nice. She tugged at your arm, motioning for you to sit down. You sat down next to her, across from John, who was sitting next to the blonde.

"I told you they would be pumped," John chuckled. "That's Jade. This is Rose," he said, gesturing at the doggo girl, then the magic blonde. Rose looked up and gave you a smile. "Pleasant meeting you." Then she looked down at her book again.

As they chattered about various topics, you ate your cheese sandwich and listened. They even included you in the conversations, even though you still had a shy layer surfacing yourself for now. But they ended up arguing about Betty Crocker somehow. You couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.

Suddenly, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around to someone who held a bottle of apple juice in his right hand, his other hand resting in his red hoodie's pocket. His shades hid his eyes, but you could clearly tell that he was looking at you.

"You're in my seat."


wow sorry for the shitty chapter u.uuuu

I hope you guys are enjoying it so far, or finding it decent, at least. But hey, at least in the next chapter you're actually gonna talk to Dave sooo eUe

Anyways it's midnight rn as I'm typing this & I'm kinda sleepy. & I have homework to do. Pls save me

Okay then, well... I hope you guys keep enjoying the story!!! See ya for now

Stay fluffy. <3

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