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Sophia embraces Leah as she and her husband are the last guests to take their leave. Leah squeezes Sophia's hand as she pulls away. "I am sorry, Sophia. I have been pushy tonight and I did not mean to be. I got carried away with idea of you being as happy as I am!"

Sophia smiles with loveliness. "I am truly happy for your happiness and I am sure one day I will match it. I could never hold you wanting the best for me against you."

Leah glances at her husband deep in conversation with Sophia's father. "I am guessing that Samuel is not as acceptable as I first thought?"

"No he is truly is not but you were not to know. Look after yourself Leah and that little one of yours." They embrace again and with a slight incline of the head from Leah's husband they leave through the entrance.

Sophia sighs and turns to face her father. He shakes his head. "I am too tired to have this discussion again Sophia! I put perfectly acceptable men before you, men that will provide for you and look after you in the manner you are accustomed and yet you continue to dismiss them. You are getting a reputation and soon these proposals will dry up. Your looks will fade my dear and you will become an old maid with no one to rely on. You are leaving me with very few options."


"No Sophia. I am tired. You should be married by now and producing beautiful children. You cannot turn down your next proposal. You must say yes." With those words he places a kiss on her still forehead and slinks up the stairs heading for his bedroom. Sophia gradually unfreezes and rubs her arms where they have gotten cold.

Slowly she makes her way upstairs and journeys to her bedroom. Inside she is helped out of her dress and into her nightgown. The maids work quietly sensing the somber mood of their mistress. When they finish one taps her on the shoulder jolting Sophia out of her reveries. Sophia smiles with a slight nod as they slink out.

She glances towards her shut window and yearns for fresh cool air. Going across she undoes the latches and pushes the window open. The air pours in and her lungs embrace it eagerly. Now she is ready to retire for the night, if only she can get her father's words out of her head. The next man who proposes may be worse than all the others. Surely he cannot expect her to accept simply because he is next. What if one who has already asked asks again? Each one she knows she had a good reason for turning away.

Sophia slips under her covers and lays her head back against the pillow. Her fists tighten around the cover as she considers the words carefully. She must make whomever proposes next someone she actually wishes to marry. With that thought she closes her eyes and drifts off into a dreamless sleep.


Isaiah and Navi watch all the guests leave from their perch within one of the great oak trees. Isaiah's jaw tightens upon seeing each one dressed in the finest money can buy, their necks and their bodies adorned in jewels worth a fortune. These are people that turn a blind eye to those beneath them. Isaiah expects no less from this woman's friends. Even one stone from one of their necks would feed a family for a month with its value. And yet they are left to starve with little to fill their stomachs.

Navi nudges his friend lightly, sensing the tension building in his strong muscles. Isaiah glances at him, only his eyes visible in the dark of the evening. Isaiah exhales slowly, aware that his friend is counselling him to calm down and not lose his head. Most of their conversations are silent, each knowing the other better than they know themselves. It has come in handy many a time. Isaiah nods at the last couple to leave the building. Navi nods, understanding instantly that they are the last of the guests. Waiting until they have gotten in their carriage and been taken away, Isaiah and Navi climb down the tree and creep towards the manor. Isaiah leads the way towards the window into the kitchen that he noticed open earlier. He smiles at seeing it still is as it was.

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