Idea #3

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Ok so to try my first idea I need a piece of paper, the book she is reading, and enough time to catch her before she leaves. I search all through my backpack hoping to find a blank sheet of paper, but as my luck would have it, there was none.

By this time I was too embarrassed to ask the cashier for a piece so I decided to wait and try again tomorrow. So when I got home I went ahead and wrote the note. Only I ended up writing it like twenty times before it was good enough to actually give it to her. It went something like this...

Dear reader,

I couldn't help but notice how you were completely absorbed by your book. I like to read also and I have never met a girl who likes reading as much as I do. I would love to know what book you are reading. Please call and tell me at (231)-410-2839.

Yours truly,

your secret admirer

quick author's note

I used a number randomizer to make up his phone number.

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