"Don't threaten me you hobbit! Your nothing but a stupid slut who likes to steal peoples boyfriends-" She was cut off by someone yanking her away from me and that someone was a very pissed off and aggressive Tyler. Boy i'd hate to be her right now.

"What the hell are you all looking at?" Tyler snarled causing everyone to scurry away or pretend to be doing something else.

"Baby tell this bitch-" She was cut off again by Tyler giving her a little shake.

"Don't insult my girlfriend and don't ever and I mean ever call her a slut again, that's your occupation." He said this in a very low scary voice and he acted like he was talking to a 4 year old having a tantrum.

"But Tyler Alice stole you from me baby-"

"I am not your fucking baby, your a walking disease so piss off and annoy someone else." He snarled in her face causing her to stumble back a little, good thing he still had a hold on her. When he realised this though her literally threw her arm away and stepped away from her. I felt really sorry for her she had just been humiliated by the guy she liked, possible loved, and was being rejected in front of everyone.

"Walk away Megan." Tyler said through gritted teeth. Megan blinked back tears then with her head held high turned and sauntered away.

"Hey maybe Jake's available, i'm sure your 5 minute quickie with him in the janitors closet will help you get over me." This made Megan pause, and nearly everyone in the parking lot laugh, but only for a second because Megan silenced them with a death glare.

"That was harsh." I said turning to look at Tyler with disapproving eyes.

"She had it coming, no one messes with my girl." He said smirking and then having the audacity to lean in for a kiss.

"Get away from me Tyler, were not together and you were really horrible to Megan! I think you should apologise." I said sternly leaning away from him.

"Hey that bitch had it coming, don't pretend you care because she does'nt deserve it." He stated shrugging his shoulders. I've had enough of this.

"Listen i'll see you later Tyler. I'm waiting for someone and I know your friends are waiting so bye." I said tapping my foot impatiently.

"Okay but your gonna sit with me at lunch right? Good bye baby." He then lent down to kiss me on the cheek with his eyes closed, I quickly put my hand in front of my face and he kissed that instead. Dumb-ass. When he finally left I was still stuck outside in the cold waiting for Max to show up- speak of the devil and he shall appear. They just pulled into the parking lot finally. I waved and waited for him to get his big butt out the car.

"Hey Alice come over here." Max called out from Scars car, I sighed and walked over.

"Hey what took you so long?" I asked waiting for a reply.

"Alice I'm gonna go inside but Scar wants to talk to you so i'll see you later." Max quickly walked away and left me standing next to Scars car. Weirdo.

"Hey Scar saw you at the match last night-" I was cut off by Scars big hand blocking my mouth.

"Don't mention that out loud! If anyone overheard i'd be in shit and so would my gang! What the hell were you doing there Alice?" He asked pissed. No hey then!

"I saw a light in the woods and the next thing I knew I came across the tent. Don't blame me because your not very good at hiding." I stated simple, before he could answer I decided now was a good time to tell him about 'the big bad wolf'.

"Oh and by the way a guy called the big bad wolf told me to tell you he's in town. I'm not a freaking messenger so next time tell him to deliver his own message." I said annoyed. When I saw Scars reaction though I took a big step back. He was furious.

"What?! Is that all he said? Did he hurt you? What the fuck is he doing here?" Scar nearly shouted, at some point he had grabbed a hold of me and shook. I'm not gonna lie, he was hurting me.

"Scar please your hurting me! He did'nt say anything else and I don't know okay?" I said trying to wiggle lose. Realisation dawned and he instantly let go.

"I'm sorry." Were the only two words he uttered before climbing into his car and speeding off.

Well that was weird. One thing for sure is i'm gonna find out who the big bad wolf is. By the look on Scars face he knew him and was'nt happy about it.

But before all that I have math. Yay.


Sorry it's short I don't know the next time i'm going to be able to upload. Currently i'm working on my other books which will be realesed soon!

Hope you enjoy.

Love, peace and cookies.


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