"Fine. Then tell me about your family." I felt his body tense up against mine, but I ignored it.

"Okay, well," He cleared his throat. "I have a mother named Anne, and an older sister named Gemma."

"And your dad?" I asked, my eyes still closed.

"He left when I was 7. As in, left us, like died." My eyes were now open, intrigued by Harry's participation in telling me this sensitive information.

"Harry, I'm so sor-"

"Don't. Don't be sorry. He was an alcoholic, was driving drunk when he died." I didn't respond to this. Instead, I tried to process the information that was just given to me.

"You know I love you, right?" I looked up at his face. He smiled tiredly, and pressed his lips to my forehead, and with that, we drifted off to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of my phone beeping with a text message. My eyes fluttered open, and I looked up at the high ceiling of Harry's bedroom, before switching views to Harry's long arms hugging me tightly. I smiled, then attempted to push him off of me, so I can check my phone. He stirred slightly, and turned on the right side, away from me. I reached for my phone on the night stand, and checked the time first. 8:05. I then unlocked my phone, typing in my 4-digit passcode, then opening my text messages.

From Mark: Am I still escorting you tonight?

To Mark: For sure! Thanks for checking back, I'll be getting ready all day, so I'll just see you at 5.

From Mark: Sounds good, see you then beautiful. :)

My stomach dropped at this. If Harry ever found out, Mark would for sure be a dead man, and I didn't want that to happen. I cleared my phone of the messages exchanged between us two, and I got off the bed, and into the bathroom. After I finished brushing my teeth, and combing my hair, and putting some clothes on, since I was only in a bra and panties from the night before, I walked back into Harry's room, to find him still sleeping.

"Harry, wake up." I whispered softly, getting no response. "Harry!" I called a little louder, still getting nothing from him. I shook my head, and took a few steps back, before charging torwards the bed, and jumping directly on top of him.

"Annabel," He let out a groan.

"Wake up, you need to take me home." I smiled, kissing him on the cheek.

"Spend the day with me." He looked at me, his voice raspy.

"I can't I have to get ready for the Ball tonight."

"That takes all day?" He raised an eyebrow.

"According to my mother, yes." I smiled.

"You don't need to do anything to yourself, you're already perfect."

"I'm not, now stop calling me that, and get up and drive me!" I climbed off of his body, my bare feet hitting the soft carpet. I made my way into the kitchen, to give him time to get ready.

I helped myself to a banana, which they seemed to have lots of in this household, as I listened to Harry's shuffling in the bathroom. After 5 minutes, he joined me in the kitchen, looking as handsome as ever, even with 5 minutes of getting ready. He had on a Rolling Stones t-shirt with a tongue on it, and black skinny jeans.

"Ready to go?" He asked, grabbing my hand, and taking a bite out of the banana. I nodded, and finished the last of the fruit, throwing the peel into the garbage, as Harry grabbed his keys. We made our way into the car, and began driving.

"You're not going tonight are you?" I asked, as he made a left turn.

"No, these things are overrated." He simply responded. I nodded, and looked straight ahead, and that was the last word we spoke to each other throughout the rest of the drive.

We arrived at my home, in a few minutes, and exchanged a couple of words, before I made my way up the steps, and through the front door.

"Mother, I'm home!" I called out, and she approached from the living room on the right.

"Oh good, just in time." She said, glancing at her fancy silver watch. "Get changed, and we will be heading to your first appointment, which is..." She paused, and checked something on her phone. "Nails."

"Why couldn't we just have Adele do everything, again?" I asked.

"She went back to France for a wedding." My mother simply responded. I nodded, and headed up the stairs, not thinking about Adele, but the fact that Harry really wasn't going to show up tonight.


Hey! Sorry for the suckish chapter, the next few will be good, so stay tuned!(:


I found my "Annabel!" After months of indepth searching for the right girl to play Annabel, I FINALLY found one, whom I really think fits the part! I put a lot of thought into it, looking at her features, and watching videos to hear her voice, and get comfortable with her personality, and I think this girl is PERFECT! I also made manips of her and Harry to see if they looked good together, so I put a LOT of time and thought into this decision!

So, the person that is linked to the side, or on top depending on where you're reading, is indeed,

TAYLOR MARIE HILL! I hope you guys are as excited about this decision as I am!

Love, Casey

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