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"Master?" Rose says nervous that the vampire guards are coming back for her and that Winter wasn't back yet.

"Yes, Rose, I'm here now." Winter goes to her side. "You are covered in blood, let's get you cleaned up, shall we?"

"Yes, master." Rose follows him into the bathroom without a thought. He starts the water to fill the tub and helps her undress. He hisses at the sight that's before him. She hasn't been so wounded since the day he brought her home. She had drunk a decent amount of blood, she shouldn't have any wounds left.

"They almost killed you, Little one," Winter says regret and pain lacing his voice. Outside the storm rages out of control. Rose has never heard the weather so wild.

"Master, I am here and I will not leave." Rose does her best to soothe the angry vampire lord before her.

Winter lightly traces the bruises that remain. Her wince of pain doesn't escape his attention. "Drink." Winter says biting his wrist once more for her.

Rose doesn't hesitate. Beyond hurting like hell, there was no way she was going to argue with Winter when he is this angry. She knows that the anger is for what was done to her, not anything she's done.

"Come on, let's get you into the tub." Winter says doing his best to keep the anger out of it.

Only then does Rose dare to touch her master's face. "Please, master, don't be angry now. You have done all that you can to fix things. The past cannot be undone, there is no reason to dwell on it at this time."

"There you are wrong, Little one. There is still one thing that needs to be done. My mother was behind this and she needs to pay. She has crossed the line this time. There will be no  more warnings. This time she will die."

With Winter's cold hard words a chill goes down Rose's back. She can't help the tears. She's afraid, afraid that she'll lose Winter this time.

Winter sighs and divests himself of his clothes and joins her in the tub. "I'm not going to let anything further happen to you, love. You are my chosen." With his words Rose stiffens. 

"Your Chosen?" She doesn't dare speak further. She's not sure that she could even if she tried. The next thing to a vampire mate. She'll be inviolate by all, except those that rebel against Winter.

"Yes, love," Winter says holding the young woman against his chest.

He gently washes her body and winces with her every time he finds a tender spot. With all the blood of his she took in she shouldn't be this sore still. She must have been closer to death than he'd thought. He closes his eyes and sighs in thankfulness that he'd come home when he did.

"Athena and Risa? Were they harmed?"

Winter stiffens at her question, "Yes. The guards had violated them multiple times."

"I don't understand. I've heard the term but no one will tell me the meaning."

Winter smiles, at least those orders had been followed. "They were forced in a sexual manner."

"Do you mean, like when the housekeepers and maids are upset because I'm not allowing you to sheath yourself in me?" Rose asks him innocently.

"Who talks to you that way?" Winter demands.

"No one. They only speak like that when they don't know I'm there. Why are they upset about that? What do they mean?"

"Lean back," Winter instructs Rose. "Do you feel that at your backside?"

"Yes, what is that?" Rose asks completely innocent.

"Some call it a sword, others a cock, staff, dick but they are all names for penis." Winter goes down to her privates, "And this is the woman's sheath for the man's sword."

Rose stiffens as Winter touches the most private of all parts. "If you don't wish for me to touch it I won't." Winter tells her hoarsely.

"I don't feed from you because I'm afraid I won't be able to stop. I haven't had sex with you because you are still too young." But he hasn't stopped touching her. Rose hadn't done anything to stop him and he hears her moans.

"But you've been with those younger than me," Rose whispers in between the moans. She really likes the feeling Winter is causing her by touching her.

"The women are jealous because of your standing. Don't listen to anything they have to say." Winter does his best to ignore the words she just said. He doesn't like that she knows about his being with others. Winter turns her around and kisses her. Pulling away slightly, "Let me teach you how to kiss?"

Rose is unable to speak at this point and only nods her head. "Give me a kiss like you normally do, but with your lips slightly open." Winter instructs and Rose follows his orders. She feels his tongue in her mouth with hers and fights with it. She finds it strangely appealing. 

After kissing her mouth Winter leaves off and trails kisses all along her jaw and neck. Rose is lost in a haze of desire and at that point couldn't stop Winter if she wanted. Which she doesn't.

She doesn't even notice when he lifts them up and dries them off. He makes sure that he keeps kissing her. "Shall I sheath myself in you, Little one?"

"Does it hurt, master?" The thought of pain brings her out of her lust haze. She's still a little sore and doesn't wish to add to it.

"Just the first time and for a moment only," Winter assures her.

"You swear, Master?" Rose asks him worriedly.

"I do. I have never lied to you, Rose," Winter carries her back to the bed. "If you don't wish then I won't. I will never force you, Rose." But he hopes to hell that she will, he's never hurt so bad. At this point none of the servants will be enough to satisfy him. He never expected Rose to be such a natural kisser.

"Okay," Rose says softly beyond nervous and scared of what's to come next, but she trusts Winter. She knows that everyone else is terrified of him, but he's only ever been good to her. Soon thought is lost as Winter begins his seduction in earnest.

She is so lost in the pleasure that he's giving her that she barely even feels it when he takes her innocence. For his part Winter is lost in the wonder that Rose is showing as he brings her to completion. "Don't fight it Little Rose. Relax and enjoy it." With Winter's encouragement Rose does just that and is swept away by the pleasure.

She is still reeling when there is a knock at the door. Winter helps her under the covers and tucks her in. He throws on some clothes before answering the door and taking the food tray the servant hands him. "We aren't to be disturbed for the rest of the night." Winter tells the servant.

The servant nods. She gives a sad look at the room and leaves. She knows, they all know how close Miss Rose was to Master Ed. No doubt she is taking his loss hard.

Winter thinks that Rose has yet to process that her cousin is gone. He doesn't think that she will sleep much once it hits her.

Until then he's going to do the best he can to distract her. Starting with the food in his hand.

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