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As they ride to the now destroyed village a storm comes up. The skies darken and the snow begins to fall. But it isn't the falling snow that is the problem, it's the blinding fury of the wind whipping the snow into the worst blizzard the scout has ever seen. 

If it weren't for the enhanced abilities of the vampires they would be lost in the swirling chaos the storm brings. Instead they reach the destroyed village and the Lord tightens his mouth in anger. "When this storm is over, we will bury the dead properly."

"Yes, my lord." The scout replies, but he's more than a little hesitant. How the hell are they supposed to dig in the rock hard ground to make the graves? Even with their strength it will be nearly impossible. At least with this cold their bodies won't deteriorate and with this storm the animals won't molest them.

Soon the trail of the marauders is gone, but it isn't needed. The lord knows where to go and what is the most likely way there. It doesn't take them long to find the raiders and the lord smiles to see them not handling the storm well. His men on the other hand are more than used to these conditions and are able to fight with out distraction from the wind and snow.

His lips thin down as he notices that the few captives have been killed. He'd hoped to save at least one relative for the girl.

He checks the downed humans just to make sure. He finds one barely alive. Without a seconds thought he cuts his wrist and feeds the blood to the man. The man chokes on the blood but the lord figures that enough has gotten into him that he might survive.

"Take him back to the castle and set him in one of the guests rooms near mine. Make sure that he is tended to properly." The lord orders one of the scouts.

"Yes, my lord." The vampire scout takes the human and sets him on a horse before he too mounts up behind. Then he returns to the castle.

The lord takes the rest of his men and returns to his vengeance.

As soon as they cross the border into the other lords lands, there is an immediate difference. Where the lord's lands are locked into winter, this lord's lands are in late spring and early summer. 

The heat is welcome to the men, they can ignore the cold, but it's much easier if they are warm.

Lord Winter ignores it all and behind him flows cold currents of arctic air. They head to the castle of the local lord with grim determination. The lord has a small smile flitting on his face, but it isn't a nice smile. He's deciding what he's going to do with the traitorous lord.

Lord Winter negligently throws the guard back with a wave of his hand as he determinedly goes forward. When they reach the door it bursts open and Winter continues his striding forward.

"What is the meaning of this, Lord Winter?" The local lord demands as Winter strides into the castle with out a word.

Winter smiles, the lord backs up in fear which makes Winter smile even more. "You dare to attack me and mine and then dare to demand an explanation?"

"I have done no such thing." The lord tries to bluster his way out of this. He's starting to sweat. His whole plan depended on Winter not finding out who attacked him.

"Oh, well then the horses with your brand just happened to be stolen from your stables? The men riding them just happened to have stolen your livery?" Winter throws the button at the astounded lord.

"You have attacked me unprovoked lord Darius and I demand retribution. You killed off my private stock. So now you will pay from your private stock."

There is movement behind Darius and Winter focuses his sight on it. "Your daughter, is it not?"

Darius looks to see who Winter is talking about. When he sees who it is he nods in defeat, "Yes, that is my oldest."

"Bring all your daughters to me," Winter demands. Darius has no living sons. They always died during the change. His daughter has changed not long ago, he can still smell a bit of the human in her. And something else as well. He smirks, her father isn't the only one that lies.

Winter takes the face of the oldest and holds it firmly, but gently. He sees no reason to hurt the girl, it isn't her fault her father betrayed his oaths to his king. "You are a virgin?"

Darius answers for her, "She is."

But the girl gives a different answer in her eyes. Winter smiles. She at least is being honest to him.

The other daughters come to the room and are presented to him. There are two about the same age as the girl he saved. Those he decides will be servants for the orphan girl. The others will become servants to him.

Smiling darkly, "I'll take them. Have horses prepared for them." Darius slumps to the floor, and nods. The servants quickly run to do the bidding of the intimidating lord. 

Lord Winter smiles once more as he chooses out some humans, "Go pack for your mistresses. You three come here."

Three of the human servants come forward while the others dash out to pack for the ladies about to leave.

The ones that come forward doubt that they will survive. Winter gently takes the first and bites down. He doesn't believe in being unnecessarily cruel to humans unless they disobey him. He therefore makes the human feel pleasure even as he slowly dies. The same goes for the other two.

Once the last body lies dead, Winter gestures and all the vampires also lie dead including the traitorous lord that attacked him. The only exceptions are Darius's daughters and his own men.

"Bring the luggage back to the castle once it is ready. I don't have time to wait." Winter is worried about the young girl he left back in his castle. And he wants to check on the young man that he hopes will survive, for Rose's sake.

Two of his men nod, the rest help the girls out of their home for the last time and mount the horses brought to them.

Winter nods, this will be a nice addition to his lands. He'll stay away so that his humans won't suffer as much. Not having to import the human foods will save him a great deal of money. Winter smiles, in  a much better mood now than when he had entered these lands.

His men let out silent sighs of relief. The storm won't be there to greet them when they cross back over to their land.

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