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The body of a beaten and abused female is brought to Winter. At first Winter looks at the body and dismisses it. What does he care that a human is beaten to death?  He looks at the guard that brought the body to him, "Why do you bring me the human filth?"

"She is one that you placed under your care, my lord." The guard is quick and careful to answer. That the lord had placed any human under his care is incredible to all. His hatred of humans is legendary. Most vampires dislike or tolerate humans, but not the king.

At his words Winter stiffens and looks at the dead woman more closely. There is only one human that he's ever placed under his care. He becomes furious when he realizes that she is the one. "Where is her husband?" Winter demands, his fury is palpable to all.

"He was found beaten and dead as well. It seems that he did his best to protect her and their child." The guard doesn't hesitate to answer.

The anger he feels lowers just a bit. At least the man died to protect her as he was instructed. "A child?"

"A young girl, not yet walking I think. Or perhaps she can't walk, she was found scooting around her parents trying to get them to move."

Winter looks at the guard long and hard. "Where is the child?" He finally demands.

"She is waiting in the hall. I wasn't sure if you would want to see her."

"Bring her to me," Winter's voice is cold and menacing. A different guard leaves immediately to comply with Winter's demands, "Who killed them?"

"My King, it wasn't just them, the whole village was destroyed." The guard hands the dead female to another guard and with the kings permission goes forward. "This was worn by one of the dead." The guard hands Winter the tabard.

Winter hisses angrily, one of his lords is attacking those on his personal estate.

The child is brought in, but she is crying. Winter goes over to her and makes her look into his eyes, "Be quiet now." Immediately the child stops crying and stares at him in fascination.

"Fuck she looks like her mother," Winter mutters. He takes a look and finds that there is something wrong with her hips. No wonder she wasn't walking or even crawling.

"Sleep child and feel no pain," Winter slices his finger and gives it to her to suck on even as she falls asleep by his command. The hips become straight and the child doesn't wake.

"Find her a good human home, make sure that it is known that she is to be cared for and not harmed, she is under my protection." Winter says and even then wonders if she will be chosen for a hunt like the other two females in her direct line. They all have favored status, rare among his humans. 

He hopes that she is chosen when she's older. The other two were quite entertaining.

Then he abruptly leaves the throne room, he has other matters to deal with, like treachery and betrayal. The smile he wears makes others jump out of the way.

There is blood everywhere, Winter is covered in it. Looking at the carnage before him he smiles. That had been fun. Very relaxing as well. Perhaps other of his lords will betray him and allow him some relaxation in the future.

"Damn, I need a hunt to celebrate," Winter says coming back to the palace. Servants, slaves and courtiers look at him wide eyed and in fear.

"As you wish, Sire," His closest adviser says and bows to him and sends the message to the estate to prepare a hunt.

"Don't you think you should at least clean up first?" The arrogant and snide tones of his mother make him angry. He loses his good mood entirely.

"You test me, mother. I'm not far from putting you on the list to being one of the hunted." He's tired of her interference in his life.

"It's time you settled down and marry, Winter. Yet here you go off on another hunting trip to that estate of yours."

"Enough, mother." Winter smiles without warmth, "I will settle down and marry only when I find someone worthy to be by my side. Anyone that you approve of automatically disqualifies them from even being thought of." Winter says flippantly and loves his mother's angry reaction.

"You are banned from my estate unless specifically told to come, is that clear?" He could tell that she was going to cause mischief and thinks to head it off this way.

His mother sucks in her breath at this insult. The estate is the most beautiful part of the land. With gardens beyond description in their beauty. A castle built by the goddess herself for the king. To be banned means to no longer be in favor of the goddess either.

"You can't do that Winter," The queen says angrily.

Winter smirks at her, "I just did. Don't plan on being invited there anytime soon." With that Winter goes to his room and cleans up.

Winter takes the human he'd been hunting and casually pulls him apart like he is nothing more than a wishbone from a chicken. He watches dispassionately as the blood saturates the ground at his feet.

The cries of the other humans as they are caught are heard as well, but Winter is no longer interested in the hunt. He goes back to the starting point and waits for the others to come back. On the way he notices a human village and goes for a look. 

"Get all your young girls over the age of fourteen and have them be clean in twenty minutes." Winter orders the villagers that are there.

The villagers start running looking for and having them wash, those that their master demands to see.

Once they are lined up he chooses some and takes over a house. Some time later Winter comes out looking much more satisfied than he had been going in.

"Very nice, girls." Winter says and this time his smile isn't so dark, but it isn't one of happiness either. "Get your things together, you'll be going to the castle until I release you."

The villagers hold in their words and do their  best to hold in their reactions, but still Winter knows that they aren't happy. He doesn't care. He'll be having more bed fun with them that night.

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