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"Winter, as you have already guessed this lovely young lady is your mate. She even now carries your child," the goddess smiles warmly at Rose before turning to Winter. "Tomorrow my handmaiden will come and stay until after the child is born. 

"Rose has many questions, I would suggest you allow her to find the answers she is seeking. It will be far less embarrassing to have a female answer than you on many of the questions.

"Now, I want everyone here to know that I bless this union. Hail to King Winter Nightstar and his mate Rose Nightstar."

Rose looks at Winter wide eyed. She mind talks, "Why did she give me your name?"

"When she blessed our union she in essence married us. I imagine that she gained your consent when she talked to you?" Winter talks to her via mind as well.

"We talked and she told me she blesses our union but she didn't ask me anything about permission or consent." Rose replies confused by everything.

"Ah, then she must be going by the ring you wear as you giving consent. You don't mind do you, Rose? We could have a big fancy wedding if you wish."

"No, I'm good, this is better than I could hope for I guess. I'm just a bit overwhelmed at the moment."

Winter pulls her to him, "You're pregnant?" He whispers to her.

Rose nods, "I had suspected but the goddess told me that I am. Are you pleased?"

Winter is smirking, "Beyond. Our first time together is my guess." They had only had the night together when she could be. The changes were already occurring when he returned from the capital.

They are brought back to reality by the talking and noise of their guests. There are a few that actually wish them the best and sound sincere, but for most they look at their queen and hide their sneers afraid of what their king would do to them if they don't.

Many of the men gnash their teeth in anger. The queen is inviolate unless one wishes for a long and painful death. They had hoped to talk Winter into sharing her.

As if she can hear what they are saying Rose shrinks into Winter's side. He once more puts a possessive hand around her waist declaring her off limits to the rest of the room. It doesn't make her feel any better though.

After some time Rose whispers to Winter and he nods. He's unable to leave but watches as Rose does. At least until his attention is called back to the one talking to him. 

Because of that he didn't see the vampire that slips out of the room after Rose.

Kevin takes up his protective stance as they return to her room, but before they make it there Kevin is stabbed. He turns and does his best to protect Rose, but he is unable to stop the man from going after her.

Rose screams but the noise of the people talking and the music make it so Winter doesn't hear her. She yells for him in her mind and turns a corner.

She had been running blindly and now finds herself trapped.

"You are a beautiful little thing. I'm sure the king won't mind sharing you for a bit." The vampire says leering at her.

Rose finds her voice even as she faces the vampire terrified of him, "You don't know Winter then do you? He doesn't share. When he finds out what you are doing your death will be long and slow and I'll be there watching every moment of it. Not to mention what the goddess will do to you."

"That wasn't the goddess, just a representation of her. There's no way that she'd accept a human bitch as queen for this realm." The vampire snarls angrily.

"She won't like that you are speaking about her like that or for her as a matter of fact." Winter says as he forces the other vampire to turn around and face him. "Rose is right, I don't share and you dared to touch what is mine." The storm outside is so ferocious that even the solid stone castle is being shaken by the wind. The glass starts to crack and break even with the magic in place.

"My lady wishes to witness each moment of your torture, than I won't deny her. I will let you sit in my dungeon as you think about the errors of your way this night. Tomorrow will be soon enough to start on your playtime."

Winter motions to two of his guards he brought with him, "Take him to the same cell, Lady Erica was housed in, he shouldn't give you any trouble."

He'd already bound his powers and the guards are more than a match in his strength. The guards carrying the now terrified and struggling vampire between them.

"Are you alright, love?" Winter asks holding Rose to him tight.

"I am now. Kevin? I saw him fall and that's when I ran."

"He's badly injured. I will give him some blood though, so he should make a full recovery. You were right, love. I didn't realize that so many would be willing to turn against their oaths when it comes to you."

Rose looks at him confusion evident. "So many? But only he came after me."

"No," Winter smiles darkly, "he's the only one that made it out of the ballroom. The others were stopped by the guards. I'm not sure how he was able to bypass them so easily.

"But it wasn't just them, it was also many of the ones that died by my spell tonight. The reason they were breaking their oath to me was because of you." Winter gently caresses her face. He doesn't like the look of sadness it's currently wearing.

"There are times, Winter, when I think you should have left that eight year old die in the snow." Rose says looking at him with tears in her eyes.

"Don't say that, Rose. Don't ever say that. You are my mate. You are the reason I'll be able to take the throne after several long centuries of enforced exile. You have made my life infinitely better. Don't ever say that it would have been better to let you die all those years ago." Winter tells her this in a half demand and half pleading tone. He'd be absolutely lost without her now. Just like he'd been before.

"I just don't see how I've made your life better." Rose says crying now.

"Would you believe it, if I showed you?" Winter whispers to her hoarsely.

Rose looks at him, "You can do that?"

"Yes," Winter replies.

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