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"I have a gift for you," Winter tells the girl in his arms as they soak in the warmth of the water of the tub. He lightly kisses her neck. Rose leans her head to the side so that he can get better access to it.

"Hmm?" is all that Rose can say, as she is lost in the feelings he is invoking in her.

"I want you to wear it tonight, please?" Winter softly pleads even as he fights the nearly uncontrolled desire to bite her neck.

"I need to see it before I'll make a promise," Rose teases him. Winter has excellent taste anything he chooses for her she is likely to wear and love doing so.

She goes to stand up and Winter pulls her down so she loses her balance and falls on him. "Winter!" She mock scolds, "I thought you wanted me to get ready for this damn ball?" She manages to get out before he claims her mouth for a kiss. The kind of kiss that makes you forget even your name.

When he's finished Winter smirks at her dazed expression and sets her upright. "I do. Stay there."

Winter gets out and grabs a towel and wraps it around her.

Now it's Rose's turn to smirk, "You got the towel wet, love. I'll be trailing water into the room."

Winter shrugs, the maids will deal with it after they leave the room. He wraps a towel around his waist after drying off and goes to the other room with her. He wants to see her face as she opens the box containing the dress she'll be wearing.

She opens it and with a gasp holds it up. She looks at Winter, "Are you sure you want me to wear this?" It's a gold dress with real gold thread worked into it. A sheer material the only covering over her midriff with only a strip of solid gold colored cloth covering her breasts. The dress is strapless, but has a back she sighs in relief. It has a full skirt and she loves it on sight.

"Do you like it? I ordered it several months ago, and thought that this would be the perfect time for you to wear it." Winter is fairly sure that she likes it, but wants to hear her say so.

"No, I don't like it, I love it!" Her words make him smile in relief.

Rose hurries to dry off and get dressed. As she turns for Winter to do the dress up she feels him run his finger along her back and can't help the shiver of desire it gives her. After he does up the dress she turns around and lets him see.

She is disappointed at the frown and scowl she sees on his face. "I think maybe I'll only let you wear this dress for me when we don't have company." His jealous streak is coming out. "I didn't realize how much others would see what is mine alone."

Rose smirks, "Deal with it, love. I'm wearing this dress, I love it." With far more enthusiasm for the ball she works on her hair.

Winter sighs, "Well at least you want to go to this damn ball now." His voice is disgusted at having the ball.

Rose smirks, "You are the one that wanted this, deal with it. Everyone will know how much you love me when they see me in this dress."

"No, they will know when they see this." Winter moves her arms out of the way and places a beautiful diamond necklace well more of a collar around her neck.

"And when they see my mark." Winter says seductively in her ear.


"I'm going to bite your neck and set my mark. Will that be alright?" If she isn't the mark won't set and others will see her as fair game.

"It will hurt?" Rose questions. Winter doesn't feed from her, he's still not sure that he'll be able to control himself if he tries.

"Possibly, but if so it will be just for a moment."

"Okay," Rose says nervously.

"When you turn, if you do, you'll set your mark on me as well." Winter tells her.

Then he proceeds to kiss her neck until he gets to where he wants and then bites her. At first there was a shooting pain then waves of pleasure washes over her. She can't stop the moan. She almost protests when Winter stops biting her.

"Take a look, love," Winter has her look in the mirror. She gasps a delicate but intricate tattoo design now adorns her neck and fits right in with the jewels Winter gave her.

"You knew what your mark would look like?" Rose asks in awe.

"No, I had no idea. I think the goddess was at work in this," Winter is in no little awe himself. He's never seen a mark so big before. It takes up not just the side of the neck where he bit her but also well the entire neck. Between the jewels and his mark there is no bare skin showing. Winter is wearing a very pleased smirk now. 

"Our guests will be coming soon." Rose mentions but is unable to look away from the mirror at what she sees.

"Are you upset?" Winter wonders since she won't stop staring at her reflection. 

"Will my mark on you be different?"

Winter shakes his head. "The mark is a combining of the two of us. When you mark me it will be the same, perhaps with minor details showing your dominance where my mark is showing my dominance, but that is all."

"I have another gift I hope you'll accept. Well two actually. He hands her a long box. She opens it and finds a bracelet that matches the jewels she's wearing already.

"You didn't need to buy this for me," Rose says with tears in her eyes.

"You are my chosen, Rose. It is no light thing to be the Chosen to the king." He takes out another box. "Marry me?" He opens the box and shows her the ring.

She has a hard time breathing now. "Yes," Rose manages to get out before the tears start. She gives him a hug before he can get the ring out. "But what happens if you find your mate after we are married?"

Winter stops even as he is in the process of placing the ring on her finger. "Not possible. You are my mate, Rose. It's the only reason I have been able to find for me loving a human. There will be no one else for me, ever." 

Winter is almost angry at the idea of there being a possibility of another as mate.

Rose places her hand on his face and he calms down. He finishes placing the ring on her finger.

"Come my lady, we have guests to greet and a ball to attend." His voice definitely lacks any enthusiasm for the night ahead and the guests they'll be forced to deal with for the next few days.

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