Chasing You: 20

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Author's P.O.V.

The two stayed at the living room for almost an hour until Jungkook finally signed the papers..

'There's the allotted budget of the 2020 Busan Skyscraper.. The proposal for this project is intimidating, yet firm.. Even I was surprised with the outstanding plan that you made while you have other businesses too.. Was there any reason why you look so dedicated to your work??'

Jimin smiled bitterly as he looked back into his old friend..

'This is all that I have.. If I didn't take care of the company, then where else should I go?? I am not as good and as lucky as you when it comes to fortune.. I needed to do better, to aim higher, so that the people will recognize me as someone with capabilities of being a leader..'

Jungkook stared at him the whole time and he can't totally feel the pain in Jimin's eyes.. He thinks of a suitable topic for the occasion, and only one thing has slipped on his mind and comes out of his mouth unintentionally..

'Do you have a boyfriend now??'

Jimin clenched his fist as he swallowed the lump in his throat.. How can Jungkook asked him such a question?? Was he trying to make fun of him??

'/laughs bitterly/ I'm not interested in relationships.. THAT KIND OF THING ARE FOR WEAKLINGS..' He looked away.

'But I thought you loved someone before?? Where was he now??'

Jimin sighed. This was getting over his expectation..

'He wasn't in the picture anymore.. /stood up/ That boy wasn't mine in the first place and I don't even know why my heart was still beating for him..'

Jimin wanted to leave the place.. He wasn't supposed to cry infront of the person he loves for so long.. Maybe letting him go was the easiest way to support his happiness with Yugyeom..

'Thanks for this, Mr. Jeon.. I'll be leaving now..'

Notice Me, Jungkook {chapter 7 Is Revised}Where stories live. Discover now