"Oh, your girl's done" Todd says, giving me a smile.

"I better go see her" I replied, standing up from my seat.

"We're gonna head to the food court to order" Dani said, pulling Todd's hand out the door.

As I walked towards my beautiful Kaia, I saw her standing there beaming at me with a few outfits in her hand.

"Did you like any?" I asked, casually tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

She furrowed her brows, examining the clothes that she held onto. I'm guessing she was making the tough decision of which one she was going to take. Girls.

"I'm in a dilemma!" She said, touching her forehead.

"What's wrong?" I replied, taking the outfits out of her hand and holding them up for her.

"I like this one but I also like this one" she said, grabbing two out of the three outfits.

I looked at her and smiled, she looked adorable trying to make a decision. It's only clothes, jeez what's up with girls? The world won't fucking end if they choose the wrong outfit, or will it?

To cut her decision-making short, I grabbed the outfits out of her hand and walked straight to the cashier, dumping all three infront of her. The cashier looked up at me and gave me a smirk.

She then typed in a few things on the computer, packed Kaia's things in a bag and asked me for payment. I swiped my credit card  and signed the receipts, trashing my copy and handing the other back to the her. She took the receipt off me and lightly brushed her fingers against mine. I looked at her with a weird face and she gave me a wink.

Is she serious? I'm literally shopping with my girlfriend. Fuck! I hope Kaia didn--

I glanced over my shoulder and saw my angel staring at me with a blank face. I know that look. She thinks it was me who was flirting with this. .I don't know what the fuck to call her.


"Let's just go" she replied hastily, cutting me off.

We walked in silence before I handed over her bag to her. She peeked inside and her eyes lit up when she saw that I bought all three outfits.

"Ash. ..you didn't have to" she said, looking at me wide-eyed. Wait, she's not happy? I thought she would be ecstatic that I bought all three. Girls!

"You don't look pleased" I replied, looking at the expression on her face.

She quickly stepped infront of me, stopping me from taking another step. The expression on her face had suddenly changed into a more lighter look. Maybe she's happy now? Oh fuck I don't understand how this works.

"I am pleased, it's just. ..you didn't have to get me all three. I was actually trying to decide on one".

"So you're upset just because of that?" I said, chuckling in disbelief.

"I'm not upset. I'm just--"

"Let me spoil you, angel" I cut in, leaning down to kiss her. She kissed me back but cut it short because she wanted to say something, again.

I swear this girl won't just let us have a moment. Girls!

"Next time, I'll be sure to carry only one outfit around so you don't get any crazy ideas again" she said in a serious tone, before moving out of my way.

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