Christmas Festival

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7 months later(I hope that's right, I haven't been tracking dates:)

I look around trying to stay away from Finn. Hans said he was a monster. I believe Hans. I stay away from my family of liars, I try. I have to eat meals with them and whatnot but other than that, I try to stay away from them in my room or something. It makes me want to cry when I think about what they did.

"Ella!" shouts a familiar voice. I turn around and see Jeremy running towards me. "Hey," I say, no enthusiasm in my voice. I don't have any feelings towards him, Hans said I did. Maybe at one point in time, but not now. I have to tell him. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" Sweetheart? I don't like it when he says it like that. "Don't call me that," I snap at him. "Well, what should I call you? Honey, baby..." I shake my head. "None of those stupid names," I interrupt him. "Fine, but what's wrong," he sighs. "Idonthaveanyfeelingstowardsyou," I shout. He laughs,"what?" I roll my eyes at him. I don't know if I can do this, it's harder than it sounds. "I. Don't. Have. Any. Feelings. Towards. You." I can't hear whatever he has to say about this. I run to find Hans. He's the only person that I can trust now.

"Hey, what's up kiddo?" Hans laughs as I run up to him.

"I told Jeremy that I don't like him."


"Because I don't."

"Oh yes you do."

"I think I can decide that for myself, thank you!"

"Since when were you in charge?"

I whip around. What did he just say to me? "What did you just say to me?!"

"Ella, you tend to think your in charge. A lot."

"All I said was that I think I get the choice of who I am friends with and who I'm not!" I scream at him.

"You want me to be the bad guy. Fine. I'll be the bad guy." He is kind of creepy now.

"I'm not afraid of you." Actually, I am.

"Oh really?" He says smirking.

I back away. I think today is the day. I'm going to die now. He raises his fist. He's going to punch me. I close my eyes and guard my face with my hands, ready for the blow. But, thee is none. Something must've blocked it...

Okay,my be I can update again tonight, I promised two chapters before Saturday, so before then. Okay. I have a question. Do you guys think Finn should die in the end. Not like Romeo and Juliet, but, should he die?

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