Chapter 5: Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

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---After The Party---

My mother walks into my room and sits beside me on the bed. She wants to talk. I told you she would keep her word.

"What happened earlier?"
"Do you really want to know?" I really don't want to talk right now.
"Well then nothing happened."
"Ella, you can't run from this."
"I never said I could, I just want to talk about this later."
"Tomorrow. Over lunch at noon. No sooner, no later. Got it?"

She gets up and leaves. I get on a silk nightgown and climb into my bed. I can barely look out the window from here but I can see that people are still boarding the ships. But right now, I just want to sleep.

"He is so cute, he looks like you," Finn says.
"He has my eyes, but your hair," I examine him closely.
I look at my new baby boy.
"And he has your powers," exclaims Finn.
I am speechless.
All of a sudden, the hospital wing freezes the walls, floors, ceilings. All ice.

I wake up screaming the next morning. Am I dreaming about the future? I quickly forget about that. Usually, since Finn lives in a house that happens to be really close to my window, he can hear me scream. He used to come in and reassure me that things were fine. Even at one in the morning. He would never complain. But now, nobody comes. My huge door keeps the sound inside my room. Finn would've been the only one to hear me. He would always climb through the window to see me. He probably hears me now, he just doesn't come in. Well good. I don't need him anyway. And just to be sure, I lock the window.

I walk out into the hallway just to see that it is seven in the morning. I can't go back to sleep now. It's light outside. I am happy and ready to start a new day until I remember lunch. Talking to my mom. Telling her about it all. Why does she want to know? It's my business, not hers.

I trudge down the long hallway to the living area and lay on the sofa by the fireplace. I look outside the window in the hallway until I see a carrot fly through the air. Then I hear giggling. Olaf and Wes? Whatever. As long as they keep quiet, I don't care that they are out there. Stupid me! They won't be quiet. Why would I think that? All of a sudden, Wes runs into the room and jumps on top of me. I scream because I didn't know what or who he was at first. Then I start laughing. Then he leans towards my ear and whispers,"Do you want to build a snowman?"

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