Chapter 2: I Dont like YOU

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The hand belongs to Jeremy. For gods sake. Why won't he just leave me alone? "Lucky I caught you eh?" He says. I jerk my hand away and shake my head at him. "You may not like me now miss, but you certainly will when you learn how wonderful I really am." I'm not stupid, he just wants to marry into the throne since he doesn't stand a chance back at home with seven older siblings. Just like Hans. My mother told me some about him. It killed me that someone could do that.

Anyway, Jeremy is about to wrap his arm around me when Finn beats him to it. "Hey whoever you are," he says jokingly. I laugh. "Prince Jeremy of the Southern Isles," he corrects him. "Okay then..." Finn mumbles. I bury my head in his shoulder. They better not fight. I hear Jeremy say something, although I can't make it out. I just know it was mean. "What did you say?" I snap at him picking my head up. He laughs,"I was just recalling about how you said that you would only ever marry a prince. That you wouldn't even think about a towns person." I bite my lip. I do remember. "I was young and foolish," I say to him. "Indeed." Finn doesn't seem to care, he knows he has my love. But he has had it with Jeremy, he pulls me away towards the buffet and we grab a little something to eat. Jeremy better not follow us.

We go and get some chocolates and glasses of milk and sit down. "You know him?" Finn asks. Jeremy. "I...well...umm, kind of," I stutter. I'm scared he will get mad. I pull my gloves on tighter because my powers will still show, they just can't set off eternal winters or do anything bad like that. "Sorry," he says seeing me do this. "No, no, you're fine, I just, wanted you to know that I don't like him, I like you," I explain still a little shaky. I'm still scared. I eat slowly and then put my trash in the garbage can. "Excuse me for a moment," I say to Finn. He nods and I just push through the crowd, trying to find a spot to be alone. I finally decide to sit under one of the food tables. I roll up in a ball and try to figure things out. I keep trying to convince myself that Finn knows that I don't like Jeremy. That Jeremy knows that I like Finn. That they both know who I like and who I don't. I think of running away again, but then I remembered that it didn't solve any of my problems. There was only one good thing about it.

I leaned against the wall of the cave, chewing on a chunk of ice. I've discovered that I can eat it. I was just hoping that something exciting would happen, and that's when I heard footsteps outside. I spring up and put my hands in front of me defensively. "Ella, everyone's looking for you," says a voice. I hold my breath, ready to shoot ice from my hands at him,when he steps out so I can see him. He's very handsome. Ashy blonde hair, eyes bluer that the ocean. I fall in love with him instantly.

I decide to go see Finn and just not say a word about any of this, it's embarrassing, truly, that I just fell in love with him for his looks at first. But now, I love everything about him.


Yay, I finally got through. So, if you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them, I just am kind of making this up as I go, and I have no idea about any of it. So help, feedback, votes. They all help. Thank you.

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