Chapter 7: Injuries Galore

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Another rock hits my window, and another, and another until I've had enough. I open the window and a rock hits me in the face. It hit me hard too. I look around trying to think, my vision is blurry. I try to walk but then I collapse and everything goes black.


"She'll be fine, just a little concussion. Nothing major. She'll just have a hard time remembering new information for a while, she won't forget her name or anything like that. She'll also have a hard time concentrating."

I slowly open my eyes. "Oh, Ella, are you alright? What happened? How did you get hit with a rock?" My mother crowds me with all kinds of questions. "I don't really... I don't... I don't remember," I stutter trying to think. My mother looks at the doctor. "That's normal, it'll come to you what happened, just rest for now," she says. I close my eyes and fall back asleep.

Icy magic shoots from my hand. I turn to my little brother on the ground holding his chest. I run over to him but stop. I've basically just murdered my own brother. I start to breath heavy before I fall on the ground. "Your brother is dead Ella," says a voice. Hans. I kneel on the ground and cry.

I scream Wes' name and I hear footsteps in the hall. My mother runs in and checks on me I just take deep breaths, convincing myself that it was just a dream. I wipe the tears off my face to see Wes standing there. I sigh of relief and then pick him up and put him on my bed when I realize that I am no longer in the hospital wing. They must've brought me back while I was sleeping. Oh well. I'm here now and Wes is alive.

After a few days, I feel much better and am back to my full abilities. I haven't seen Finn yet. I don't want too. Not yet. I need a break. I don't know if we are back together yet. I sit, looking out my window. Soon, I just am sitting on my second story window sill looking out at the fields of grass. The grass is like a pillow. It's soft. I used to fall asleep out there when I was a toddler and we would all have picnics. I get so caught up in my thoughts that I don't even notice the dark clouds coming our direction. The wind starts to pick up and it knocks me off balance.

I look up and see my window getting further from me. I know what happened. I know what is happening. I know what will happen. I'm just not ready for it. But I know I can't stop it from happening when my head slams against the ground. A sharp pain runs through my right leg. And with that, everything goes black.

I know that was short, and yes, injuries everywhere. But I do have an evil plan. Actually Hans does. Just keep reading my little minions, munchkins. Whatever you want me to call you! Thx.

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