Chapter 4: You-Know-Who

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I storm off, anger boils up inside of me. How could he do that? He just goes off and within like, two seconds, he finds someone else. It literally kills me. He has no feelings about this. Our first fight and he just leaves me. Just like that. Apparently he didn't love me or else he would be upset. Not to say that he isn't, it was just so easy for him to go off and forget about it. I mean, it must have been easy for him to find someone else, if you just look at him, you'll see why. Wes was wrong. Finn doesn't love me. Finn. That name makes me angry. It too kills me. All of it. Everything about him. It hurts. I don't cry though. I'm too angry for that.

I must've run onto my room because the next thing I know, my mother is knocking at my door. I don't say anything. She comes in anyway.

"Why aren't you outside?"

I just stare at the wall.

"What's wrong?"

I shake my head.

"Ella, I can't help you unless you tell me."

I open my mouth, but speak no words.

"Is it Jeremy, is that it?"

"Finn." I choke out.

She nods.

"Okay, we can talk about this tonight along with your screaming at Jeremy. But right now, you have hundreds of people here just for you. Are you just going to stay up here?"

"Is that an option?"

"No," she says plainly leaving.

I get up and walk outside. I will avoid Finn and Jeremy and everyone that I can.

I walk around, knowing that I won't be able to avoid everyone. I really don't want to talk with people right now. I've never been much of a people person. That's one of the reasons I ran away.

I'm alright with being alone, I get to be who I am without hurting anyone. I pave the cave trying to hold it in. I can't. So why suffer like this. I move my hands along, making magical ice crystals on the walls and floors. I step hard on the ground, creating a fine layer of ice as a flooring. I push my hands forward and make a wall with a door at the mouth of the cave.

I snap out of my little daydream/flashback. My powers are still tingling in my fingers. I am out in public now, I can't let it go. Wait. Or can I?

"You ready?" I shout from the center of the square. Everyone cheers. I stomp my foot lightly on the ground and a fine layer of ice covers the ground. Skating. Ice skating. Arendale loves ice skating. Especially since they get to skate all the time with Elsa and all. This solved some of the problem. I am a little more relaxed but still angry at You-Know-Who.


That chapter seemed longer than it actually was when I was writing it. Oh well. So are you liking it or should I just stop writing. I think I'm doing okay. But feedback always helps, vote, you know.

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