Chapter 3: Finn Loves You

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"Where'd you go?" Finn asks. "Oh, I umm... I just wanted a drink?" I question myself more than him. He's not that stupid though, so he just stares at me with one eyebrow raises. I love this look, it makes him look so cute! But then I'm brought back to reality when he says something. "What?" I ask him, I missed what he said. "Come find me when you decide you can trust me," he says walking away. I open my mouth but no words come out. Stupid. I felt bad at first, but soon enough all the anger started boiling up inside of me. Anger towards my mom, Jeremy, Finn, and the whole world. It seems as if everyone is against me. "I'm here," says Wes gently. He is so quiet, I didn't even know he was here. It's as if he could read my mind. "Boys," I mumble. "Hey," he jokes. I manage a smile towards him. He's always there for me. "Finn thinks I don't trust him," I begin. Wes nods as if telling me to continue. "Well, I don't think he loves me anymore," I cry. Wes is about four years old now, but really smart, unlike me. He hasn't even known me for a year and we already have a special bond. "Finn loves you," he says. "You're wrong, he hates me," I raise my voice at him. I feel bad though because it's not his fault and he has a hurt look on his face. "Wes, I'm sorry," I say trying to comfort him. He smiles and hugs me. "Finn loves you," he whispers in my ear.

I get up and try to go find Finn. I don't know where he would be. He walked towards the palace, but I don't think he went inside. I look around and ask people, but nobody knows. "Got ditched, I see," says a familiar voice from behind me. "Shut up," I mumble. "Oh, where did you learn all these bad manners from, I thought you were a princess?" he says smartly. "Jeremy, please leave me alone," I tell him clenching my teeth. "Well..." I cut him off,"Go!" I scream at him. He does go, but it also grabs everyone's attention. Great. My face starts to get bright red and I step back but accidentally trip over someone's shoe. I fall hard on the ground. I view my dress but no damage has been done, it was made carefully. I just brush off all of the dirt and leaves. I can tell you, I really look horrible in this dress. But it has been in the family for about three generations. I had to wear it sometime. I would much rather prefer to wear Elsa's coronation dress. A long sleeve one. With a cape. That's what I would want. I keep walking slowly and people just go back to their business. Phew! I go get a glass of punch and go sit in a corner, hoping I won't be noticed. But I am. "Ella, what are you doing in the corner? I mean, I heard you freak out at Jeremy and all, but you're getting your dress dirty." Mom. "Umm, I," I don't know what to say. "I thought I told you to be nice to Jeremy," she scolds me. "I was trying, but he kept teasing me because I got in a fight with Finn," I begin, hoping that she won't ask for details. "Oh, you, umm, got in a fight?" she asks. I think she is happy about this. "Don't be happy," I yell at her. "Let's do this after the party," she says, and she will keep her word.

I walk around talking to people for a few hours, the worst few hours of my life. I got so angry before, I thought I would just start a huge blizzard. I could feel the ice tingling in my fingers. I would smile and try my best to be happy. I think I did pretty good. They all seemed to think I was happy. But I keep thinking about Finn.

"Finn loves you."

Does he? No. Not anymore. But then I remember a saying from the bible.

"Love is patient,

Love is kind...

Love never fails."

That's it. He does. I have to go look for him. Apologize. I can't wait to see him again. It killed me to be away from him. So I have to get him back. I run through the crowd, pushing people. I don't care though. I'm smiling so hard, my jaw hurts. I running so fast, my legs hurt. I'm so angry, I'm about to kill myself. He was with someone else.

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