It's a Wedding

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My Dad stands with me behind the curtain in the back. I look down the white carpet that leads to the priest and Finn. My dear Finn. He smiles at me and I quickly go back behind the curtain. I glance at Dad and he just smiles. That's when the music starts. I see a few of my friends I met a few years ago start walking down the isle as bridesmaids. And then there's Elsa's daughter, Crystal , as the flower girl. That's right, Elsa had a daughter a few years ago. She met a man named Jack. She said they were alike, somehow... Anyway, after Crystal is Wes as the ring bearer and then everyone stands. I realize it's my turn. I loop my arm through my dad's and we start walking down the isle. And that's when I realize how afraid I am.

What if I mess up? What if Finn decides not to marry me anymore? I close my eyes for a few seconds and when I open them, I'm at the end of the isle. I kiss my dad's cheek and then go stand by Finn who has a smile so bright, I might go blind. He grabs hold my hand and we wait for the song to end.

Most of the wedding goes by pretty fast and then comes the words I've been waiting for.

"You may now kiss your bride!"

His lips collide with mine and everyone cheers. We pull away after a few seconds and swing our hands up into the air.

"Now, for the first time ever, I proudly present to you, Mrs. And Mr. Finn Odair!"

I laugh and we practically run down the isle. Hand in hand. Same stride. Until we reach the end, where we kiss again. People keep cheering and I look around, smiling. When my eyes land on Wes, I can see that he is holding back tears. I run over to him.

"Wes, what's wrong?" I ask him. He's already ten.

"I'm losing my sister," he sniffles.

"Awwww!" I say wrapping my arms around him.


After the wedding, which the festival after it lasted three days, we all went back to our normal lives. Well their normal lives. Now, I'm in the married life. I'm twenty-three now! We live in the palace and all is getting normal.

Well, it was getting normal.

I'm pregnant.


Just a nice and short ending. Leave ya hangin. No sequel. So you can kinda make up your own ending about how it happened in your head or something. You can write a sequel if you like though, just check in with me. Thank you for reading! Bye.

Ps: please check out my new book

Hunger Games High:An Everlark Story

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