29. Emptiness

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It had been two weeks and Hakyung and I were still not talking. During the lunch break, I walked down the slope and went to sit on the bench outside the convenience store, because this was the only quiet place I could find around here where I wouldn't bump into Yoongi.

I just sat there staring at the trees and I suddenly started crying. Just like that. I quickly opened my diary and decided to write something to keep myself distracted...


Diary entry #09
22 Jan, 2010

Dear Diary,

공허감 [gongheogam]
Emptiness (n.)
A feeling of being alone, empty, or not worthwhile

This word describes my life perfectly well. These days, everything feels like nothing.

I used to be so excited to wake up every morning and come to school. Because there was Jungkook. And there were all my other friends.

Now I have no one. No one wants me. Everyone just ends up hating me for some reason.

I just want to go back home now. Not my home here. That doesn't even feel like home anymore, ever since Hakyung and I fought. She's stopped talking to me completely. She's so stupid to think that I'm stealing her Chinmy oppa. Eeww no!

I just want to go back to my mom and dad. And to my old friends, and to Ruhi. I miss her so much. Wonder how she's doing. I haven't spoken to her since December. It's been almost two weeks.

Shit... Why am I crying again? I don't want anyone to see me like this.

I have three more weeks of hell. Three weeks... That's too much... How am I going to survive all this on my own? I seriously feel like I'm the only one surviving human stuck in a zombie apocalypse. And I have three more weeks to prove myself. Will I survive or will

What am I even writing?! I'm so tired and sleep deprived that I can't even think properly. Great, I'm crying again. What should-

× × × × × × × × × ×

Just then, someone stood by the bench and sat beside me. I looked up with blurry eyes, and-

😑No fucking way...

"Missing home?" Yoongi whispered.

I jerked my head the other way, and wiped my tears, ignoring his question, ignoring his entire existence. "Now who's stalking me, huh?" I mumbled under my breath.

"I was walking out of the convenience store and saw you crying so I-

"I'm not crying!"

"You... Your," he pointed at my eyes, "your eyes are leaking. What's that called?"

"Fuck off."

He chuckled and that frustrated me even more. I was so tired of holding back my tears that I finally broke down, face hidden in my palms. I scolded myself for crying in front of him, for showing him my vulnerable side, but I couldn't stop myself. After a while, I didn't give a fuck.

Then suddenly I felt his hand patting my head lightly. I looked up at him with teary eyes, "What?!"

He chortled "you look so ugly when you cry..."

"If you don't like my face then just leave," I screamed.

He dropped his handkerchief, then bent and picked it up, "Here, take this. It was lying here anyway."

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