your first kiss - michael

Start from the beginning

you knew ashton didn't mean to say anything, that it only slipped out, but you were still angry and sad nonetheless.

not getting out of bed all day wasn't the plan, but that's just how it was. the boys came home at ten - you were expecting them to be home earlier.

as soon as you heard the stairs creak you shut your eyes tightly, pretending to be asleep although you knew it wouldn't fool any of them. social interaction was the last thing you wanted, wether it was with luke or michael. your heart ached so incredibly bad that you didn't want to talk to anyone.


lukes voice filled the air and you kept quiet, eventually feeling a dip on the other side of the bed.

"i know your awake. your eyes are flickering." hearing the smile in his soft tone made you give in and roll over.

"what do you want?" you said rather rudely, not intending to be.

"oh. i just wanted to let you know we brought you home some nandos. if you don't want it, that's fine-"

"sorry, luke, i didn't mean to say it like that. im just stressed, you know. ive called in sick for work for almost four days now, and i don't want to loose my job. or mikey." you whisper the last part, but luke managed to hear it, sighing in response.

"it will all even out (y/n), im sure of it. come down and eat." he stands up from the bed and shuffles out of the room, leaving you in silence.

pulling on a pair of shorts and a plain shirt you walk downstairs to grab your food, only to be greeted by both ashton and michael.

"hey (y/n)" ashton says with a small smile. feeling like a bitch for having constantly ignored him for the past week, you nodded and smiled.

"you okay?" he asked as you grabbed a plate from the cupboard.

"yeah, im just tired. going back to work tomorrow, don't want to loose my job." you respond, filling your plate with food.

ashton hummed in response whereas michael stayed quiet and glued to his phone. it felt weird not talking to him, laughing with him, being friends with him.

ashton wandered out of the kitchen, unintentionally leaving you and the boy you loved with all your heart alone together.

"so." a rough, croaky voice spoke from behind you. "you have a crush on me?"

he said it so easily.

"well, i mean, if you haven't gathered that by now, yes." you mumble, pouring yourself a drink.

"why didn't you tell me?"

glancing up at him in disbelief, you stop pouring your drink and laugh half-heartedly.

"you think that's easy? you think i can just tell you that?! do you know how much stress ive been under with work and all of this?! it's so clear you hate me, michael! you haven't spoken to me for days on end! you avoid sitting near me! you don't even like being in the same room as me! it's not easy, michael! why do you-"

you were expected to be cut off by him shouting back, but a pair of warm lips pressed against yours did the trick.

every limb attached to your body turned into jelly, the feeling of his plump lips gently resting against your own being the only thing you could focus on. michael is kissing me.

it took a moment before you started to kiss back. moving his hands from your waist, he cupped your cheek softly, bringing his right hand to tangle in your free-flowing hair.

a small tear rolled down your cheek as all the stress disappeared; you could taste the salt in your mouth and were sure he could too.

he was the one to pull away, both out of breath. a large grin crept across his face, making you look at the ground. michael placed a hand under your chin, moving your head up to face him. wrapping his arms around your waist he pulled you in for a tight hug.

"i see it all worked out then?" calum broke the silence, causing you both to jump and turn to him.

you nod silently and so does michael. yawning, you start eating your food that you abandoned fifteen minutes ago, trying to stop yourself from smiling but you couldn't.

• i hope this was alright, ive never written imagines before, sooo.
•if you have a request, message me!!!

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