Honestly dont know what to call this help (chapter)

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The day was finally over and I was getting the stuff I needed to bring home with me. I closed my locker and made sure it was locked. Beginning to walk out of the school I played loud music through my ears. I glued my gaze downward before I felt a groups presence behind me as I walked along the sidewalk right outside the school. I pulled my earbuds out of my ears and looked behind me, gazing behind my shoulder just barely. I saw McKenzie and some of her friends. I began walking a bit faster. They ended up catching up to me which caused me to stop.

"Summer—." Mckenzie said coldly as I turned around. Air caught in my throat and I refused to greet her back. "You're so fucking helpless—." She chuckled.

"Helplessss—" one of her friends chimed in, singing the melody of the hamilton song.

"Shut the fuck up Angel—." Mckenzie growled at her friend. "You ruined my fucking day by existing so I'm going to make the rest of yours miserable—." Mckenzie said right to my face.

"Les misérables~" that same friend chimed in again.

"Stop with the fucking musical references you cunt!!" Mckenzie turned around basically yelling at her friend. Mckenzie turned back around to face me. She smiled before grabbing me by the collar of my shirt, pulling me to eye level. "If you don't fucking die I'm going to make the rest of your life miserable, you are so annoying to everyone in this school you cunt.. you better escape sooner or later—."

My voice refused to rebut and I just stood their trembling. "I hate you so fucking much—." She continued her rant. I was helpless... "UGGH!!" She groaned in frustration letting go of my shirt, causing me to stumble back. She clenched her fist and stared right into my soul.

She was obviously in a bad mood (duh) and she was going to take it out on me... Mckenzie lifted her fist and then dropped it back down. She was hesitant.

Before I knew it she had extended her arm and hit me right across the face. I let out a squeak out of pain and embarrassment.

Some of Mckenzie's friends chuckled at my response and one of them stepped forward. The girl ended up pushing me to the ground and kicking me at the side of my head, right on my cheek. "Mckenzie is right, you are fucking annoying you little shit!"

Another girl joined in and kicked me in the side. I wanted to cry but I was already embarrassed enough. I felt a bruise already forming on my face and it stung like hell. The group kept yelling taunts at me and beating me up like I was some worthless piece of shit. Except one girl just stayed behind and watched. She looked worried and she was trying to stop the girls from hurting me... or encouraging them. I'm not sure.... but it was the one who made the hamilton and les mis reference. Angel...

Eventually they stopped and walked away, laughing. I laid on the cold concrete ground. I waited for a few seconds and then lifted myself off the ground.

I touched my face and felt a cut and blood. Tears were threatening to fall but instead I ran home, refusing to let myself cry.

-time skip-

The house came into view and I noticed Daveed's car on the driveway. Shit shit shit shit shit... I pulled my sweaters hood over my head trying to cover my face. I reached the front door and unlocked it. I opened it slowly and the door groaned in response. I accidentally slammed the door shut behind me.

"Hey Summer!!" Daveed greeted walking into the front area where I was. I looked down kicking off my shoes. I knew if I spoke my voice would tremble or I would burst into tears. "Summer? You good?" A tear rolled down my cheek and I tried to push past him but he stopped me. He pulled the hood down and I looked away. He gasped.

"Summer!? What happened!?" He tried to turn my face towards him, but I moved my head away from his hands. I tried pushing past him again but he refused to let me by.

"Nothing!" I lied, voice quivering. He held me by the shoulders and I avoided making eye contact.

"Summer.. Tell me what the hell happened. Your face is all bruised and cut!!"

"Really I hadn't noticed!!" I mumbled, attitude visible in my voice.

"Summer..." Daveed said in a warning tone.

"Just leave me alone!!" I cried, finally pushing past him and running up to my room.

I slammed my bedroom door behind me and I sat on the edge of the bed, grabbing a pillow. I
sobbed into the pillow... maybe I should just—

⚠️ *trigger warning* ⚠️

I got up and found a small blade that I used to cut myself with at old foster homes. I locked myself in the bathroom, I began slicing my wrist, my hand refusing to go deep enough for me to bleed out to death; but I cut deep enough to draw blood. Blood dripped onto the floor as I sobbed silently. I realized I had cut all the way up my arm, blood forming a small puddle on the floor. I heard a knock on the door.


I didn't reply. I started to clean the blood that spilled from my arm off the floor. Daveed knocked again.

"Summer open the door—."

My arm stung, but so did all the bruises that Mckenzie and her cult marked on me. I emotionally and physically hurt and I wanted to end it all, but I couldn't physically bring myself to do it.

I wiped my face, hid the blade, and slipped my sweater back on. I unlocked and opened the door. "What...?"

"Are you okay?"

"Yes," I lied. "A rough day thats all.."

"Alright..." Daveed started, not sounding completely convinced. But he seemed to have backed off. "We need to tend to these wounds..."

I nodded and he lead me out to the kitchen; lifting me onto the counter. He cupped my face in his hands and scanned my face. "Now please tell me what happened?" Daveed asked again.

"I w-will, just not now—." I stated honestly. He nodded.

"Alright, when you're ready."


Daveed tended to all the wounds on my face; he finished up with a bandaid on my forehead.

"Any bruises or cuts any where else?" He asked.

"N-no" I lied

"Mhm..." he looked at me with a 'You're lying aren't you' look

"Show me your arms—." He told me.

I shook my head.

"Why not?" He asked, concern in his voice.

"There's nothing on my arms thats why!!" I argued, acting a little defensive.

"Summer, I am not asking— take off your sweater so I can see if there's wounds any where else," Daveed said sternly. When I refused he tried to roll up my sleeves. The sleeves ended rubbing against the cuts and the few bruises on my arm, causing it to sting more.

"Don't fucking touch me!!" I yanked my arms away in obvious pain.

"Listen to me Summer, I need to see if you are hurt and you obviously are. So please cooperate with me..."

I shook my head, arms and legs beginning to shake out of panic.

"I will do it forcefully if I have to.." Daveed pointed out.

"Ew you fucking pervert!! Don't fucking touch me!!" I tried jumping off the counter but Daveed stopped me.

"I'm not trying to hurt you Summer, I'm trying to help you..."

Before I knew it, Daveed lifted the sweater over my head. Despite my struggling, he still managed to get it off. He placed the sweater onto the floor before relocating his attention to my arms.

He gasped seeing the cuts that made their way all the way up my arms. Tears began rolling down my cheeks.


Ew this sucks sorry

Not edited

goodnight I
Must sleeps

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