Report card

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I sat at a desk, impatiently watching the clock. The time ticked slowly and it felt like school was going on forever. I laid my head down on my desk feeling exhausted as the teacher blabbered on about...... REPORT CARDS SHIT. My sleepy now somewhat awake head bolted up from the wooden structure. Oh no, what if my grades are low... Daveed would kill me. The teacher grabbed a pile of lightly coloured envelopes and started calling the students names one by one to collect them. I dreaded the moment my name was called. I reluctantly got up from my seat and made my way up to collect my report card. I grabbed the envelope from the teacher's hands and I quickly made my way back to my seat. I sat down and placed the medium sized envelope on my lap and waited for the teacher's instructions.

"Ok you have 10 minutes left of class, you can look over your report cards if you wish," the teacher instructed after handing out all the report cards. I slowly pulled the folded slip of paper out if the envelope and hesitantly unfolded it. Shit...

Math 56%
Language Arts 47%
Social studies/ history 41%
Religion 69%

Science 71%

Gym 66%

French 59%
Art 96%
Wood-shop 66%
Homec 81%

No, no, N O. Daveed is going to kill me, but I have to show him since I promised.  I wasn't that surprised at my grade but still. I wanted to cry, I was trying so hard not to. I read over the stupid little comments the different teachers give to the parents (well parent if that's what you consider someone who fosters you) to briefly describe what we learned in this term. I couldn't help but notice everyone around me whispering how they got such good grades to their friends. Then Mckenzie approached me.

"Hey did you pass?" She asked me and I looked down at my failed report card. I folded my report card so Mckenzie couldn't read it and bluntly nodded my head. She smiled.

"That's good." She handed me her report card so I could read it. I read it over, she was in the 90% for all her subjects. I handed it back to her suddenly feeling worse about myself.

I just stared at my blank desk while everyone was throwing pencils around me. Mckenzie went back to her other group of friends so I spaced out. Before I knew it the bell rang and everyone was off. I lifted myself from the seat and flooded into the hallways along with everyone else. I put the remaining books in my locker and grabbed my backpack. I checked my phone and I had received a message from Daveed.

'I can pick you up today' it read. Great. Normally I would like to be picked up, but today that means I have to tell Daveed about the report card sooner. I walked slowly out of the school procrastinating at every corner. Admiring the cheap posters or look at projects made by the grades below me. The moment I dread struck me as I pushed the front door open, only to be greeted by the blinding light and shallow breeze. I spotted Daveed's expensive looking car and headed towards it. I approached it and yanked the door open, only to be disappointed it was locked. I aggressively tried to open the door. It looked like Daveed was chuckling from the inside before unlocking it, which made me fall back a bit. I hopped in the car and buckled my seatbelt. I almost forgot I had to tell Daveed about my report card. I internally pressured myself to do it or not to do and lie that I didn't receive a report card at all.

"Sooo, we got report cards today.." I blurted as we halted at a red stop not far from the school.

"Oh?" Daveed started. "How'd you do?"

"Oh uh... umm, I didn't look yet," I lied. "Ill give it to you when we get home," I chocked out trying not to break into tears. I felt stupid and that I couldn't do anything right.

We arrived back home and I felt more and more dread as I came closer to the door. Daveed unlocked the door and gestured me to go inside. I quickly went inside and kicked off my runners. Daveed went into the kitchen after taking his shoes off and I unzipped my backpack and pulled out the envelope. I entered the kitchen and handed him the envelope. He opened it and read over it. I got up to leave but Daveed stopped me.

"Summer, what is this?" Daveed held up my report card. Tears formed in my eyes but I decided to play dumb.

"What did I do?" I asked, the answer was obvious but I asked anyways.

"Summer, your basically failing. The only decent grades you have are art and homec," Daveed sighed. Tears started to blur my vision and I just broke down.

"Im sorry! I didn't mean to," I cried. I tried to stop crying but I couldn't. I could tell Daveed was mad and disappointed in me.

"Summer..." Daveed starts but sighs. "Next time tell me if you need help or something." Then for some reason I got mad and frustrated.

"Then why didn't you ask me if I needed help?" I said in a somewhat sassy tone. The tears still falling down my face as I was filled with anger and frustration. "Why didn't you ask me if school was going ok?" I could tell Daveed was about to snap.

"I don't ask how you school goes because you never tell me anything!" Daveed practically yelled. "I would help you if you actually told me these things!"

"And I'm tying to be a good parent here! I need to acknowledge that your grades are low and I have to get mad at you because school is an important topic!"

"Oh I'm sorry I don't meet your high expectations!" I started to raise my voice, attitude audible.

"Summer, don't give me attitude!"

"Its not like you're my real dad anyways so why the fuck do I have to listen to you!" I shouted tears blurring my vision again. I could tell that Daveed was hurt, really hurt. I was angry, so I stormed to my room and slammed the door so hard I'm surprised the hinges didn't break.

Daveed's pov-

Summer stormed to her room and slammed the door. I buried my head in my hands immediately regretting that I yelled. I was not in a great mood, work was stressful and  I already had a small disagreement with Lin. I looked over the report card once more and sighed, I read some of the comments and some of her teachers suggested that I talk with them about the grades after school someday. I folded the report card after writing down some of the teachers emails, and slid it back into the envelope. I placed the envelope to the side and headed to my office to continue working. I sat at my desk and started thinking about what happened. I shouldn't have yelled. I signed into my laptop and opened up my email. I started emailing the teachers back saying I could talk to them anytime this week or next week. I plugged in my headphones and started listening to a new melody for a song we were working on.

Time went on and I realized it was almost 6. I got up to start dinner. I searched through the cabinets and found some pasta I could make. I started to heat up the stove and put a pot filled halfway with water on top. I had to wait to let it boil. Then it struck me...

How the hell am I gonna get Summer to forgive me?

Ahh ik the ends not great but i tried

Goodbye sorry if there's mistakes

Summer - Adopted by Daveed Diggs FanficWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt