A new home?

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Katherines pov

"Who just came to foster Summer?" I asked Emily heading into the room.

"I think his name was... David..? No, it was Daveed Diggs," Emily replied. I gasped.

"What he looks like..?" I said wanting to know if she meant my favourite artist.

"He had like, poofy hair and was like really tall," Emily replied. I tried to hide my happiness, Summer is so lucky.

"Why didn't you introduce him to me?" I laughed also annoyed.

"Why do you want to meet him?" Emily asked confused.

"Well, he's just my favourite rapper and actor!" I say like it's no big deal. Emily just laughed silently and then went off to her room saying a quick sorry as she closed the door. It was getting late so I decided to head to bed.

Summer's pov (morning)

I woke up in an extremely unfamiliar bed. I sat up on the bed, confused why I was here. Was I kidnapped? But then again if I was kidnapped, they wouldn't put me on a very comfortable bed. Then I remembered that I was fostered by the guy named... Daveed?

I got up out of bed and wondered house. It wasn't huge, but it was pretty cool.

I ended up in the kitchen and looked at the time on the stove. It was fairly early. It was only 4:30 Am. I didn't feel tired anymore, so there was no use trying to sleep again.

I looked through the cupboards to find a class since I was quite thirsty. I opened and closed searching for the ones with cups.

I finally found the cups after a few cupboards. I grabbed a glass and head over to the sink. I filled it about halfway with water. I sat down in the little counter seat. I sipped the water slowly placing it down on the counter. I turned and looked out the window, it had an amazing view of the city. I turned back around accidentally knocking the glass onto the floor. Shit. It hit the wood flooring with a crash.

I heard a pair of feat, making its way to the kitchen. He sighed. I made him angry, he's gonna send you back.

"I-I'm so sorry, please don't sen-send me ba-back," I managed to choke out trying not to cry.. again. He shook his head.

"Of course I won't send you back, everyone makes mistakes. It's no big deal you knocked down a glass," he comforted. I felt really awkward and didn't know what to say or do.

As he cleaned up the glass, I continued to sit down on the stool. I offered to help, but he assured me he could do it himself.

"I have a question," I said as he sat down on the stool next to me. He nods his head. "How did you know I was a foster child when you brought me back there?"

"Well... I saw you walk in there a few times, well more like dragged in," he replied.

"Stalker," I mumbled under my breath. He chuckles.

"No, no. It's just that the theatre I work at is like really close to the centre, and I go to the theatre a lot," he explains. I look at him confused.

"You don't mean the Richard Rodgers theatre, right?" I asked.

"That's where I spend most of my time."

"Do you perform?" I asked feeling like an idiot. He nods.

"What do you perform?"

"Just a musical," he chuckled.

"What musical?" I said, feeling bad for asking so many questions.

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