39. Helicarrier Infirmary.

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8th June 2012: Helicarrier:
I run inside and begin my search for Scarlet, to make sure she's okay.

I wonder where she'll be, what was she doing when we left? Shooting range!

I arrive at the shooting range, no Scarlet. I run to Bruce's lab, no Scarlet. I run to her room, no Scarlet.

Where is she? Where would she go?

I run around the helicarrier taking down anyone in my path, I find myself on the lowest level, when I hear a gunshot and a yelp of pain. I run towards the commotion to find a man at the end of the corridor aiming at the pair fighting halfway down, I shoot the man at the end and make my way towards the tall HYDRA Agent who is fighting hand to hand with someone I can't see. I shoot him in the shoulder, he turns to me, moving away from the other person, giving me a clear shot of his head. I shoot him, then I hear someone fall against the wall behind them, I turn to the other figure "SCARLET!" Her shorts are torn, her top covered in blood, her body bloodied, I run to her as she slips down the wall trying to catch her breath "Hey." She speaks in a quiet voice, I scan her body for injuries, she has some nasty cuts on her thighs and forearms, it looks like she's been stabbed or cut on her stomach.

The bullet, did it hit her? Has she been shot?

"Scarlet, were you shot?" She nods her head slightly "Where?" She turns her arm towards me, a bullet sticking out of the back of it. I look down at her, probably with a terrified expression, she smiles slightly, before speaking "I fought the best I could, I would've been dead by now if you hadn't taught me. Thank you."

I don't know what I would have done if she was more injured than this or if she couldn't fight for herself.

I look into her eyes "I'm just glad you're alive." A small smile creeps onto her face, I feel my body drawing closer to her, barely inches away from her. Still looking into her eyes, I reach my right hand up to her cheek, she's warm. I slowly lean in, her eyes flutter closed, I can almost feel our lips touch "Tasha!"


Scarlet's eyes shoot open, I snatch away my hand and I lean away a little. I look in the direction of the voice to see Clint running towards us, with a slightly shocked face "Get a medical kit, Scarlet's hurt!" He turns on his heel and runs back the way he came, I look back to Scarlet.

I need to get my priorities straight, she's hurt, before she can have my emotional attention, she needs medical attention.

"Don't worry, we've got this." She takes my hand in her own "I'm not worried, I'm with you." Clint returns and we do what we can to stop the blood flow and clean up her minor wounds, we then help her to the infirmary, killing any HYDRA Agents in our path.

8th June 2012: Helicarrier: Infirmary:
It's been a few hours since the Avengers arrived, since the fighting stopped. I'm sitting on a bed in the infirmary, I've been checked over and my wounds healed the best they can be right now, there are people who have worse injuries than myself, so I don't mind waiting. Natasha and Clint had to go help the others, Agents are rushing around like mad, the medical staff are the busiest right now, so I'm attempting to help. I asked if there was anything I can do, since they won't let me get up from the bed, so they brought over two people who needed wounds bandaged up, so I'm doing just that, I'm helping the second person now, his name is Jimmy "Thank you, Agent...?" "No, not an Agent." "Oh, what are you then, I know you're not a Doctor, are you a scientist or a-" "I'm not quite sure what I am, it's a little complicated."

It's true, I don't really know where I stand right now.

"Perhaps you'll be an Agent when this is over." I look at him curiously "I'm pretty sure I saw you fighting earlier, you'd be a good addition to SHIELD." "Thank you." I continue wrapping his arm as we share a smile "You know, when we're done here, maybe we could-" "Scarlet!" Someone interrupts the man sitting in front of me, we both look towards the voice, I see Tony and Bruce running towards us, Tony glares at Jimmy, then relaxes his features when he sees me "Gave us quite a scare there, you're good at doing that, aren't you. Hang on a minute, what're you doing?" He gestures to the bandage I'm tying off "Helping." "Oh, okay." He sits next to me on the bed and waves his hand at Jimmy, who's about to argue "I'm not-" "Goodbye!" He huffs and walks away.

That was rude, at least I'm getting used to that now.

"How you feeling?"

In pain, nervous… Did I imagine what happened when Natasha found me? Must have been. I need to ignore that right now, say something before Tony gets suspicious.

"Not too bad." "Really?" "Yeah, I think I'm getting used to be injured now." "I know what you mean." Bruce sits in the chair in front of me "Nat told me you were doing some pretty badass fighting and even continued after being shot."

It just gave me motive to keep fighting.

But I don't say that out loud I just nod, he cracks a smile "You did well, we're all proud of you." "Thanks." The three of us sit there for a while, talking, we decide it's best for me to stay here this weekend instead of going home. So I call my parents to tell them, they're okay with it, they're more concerned about my safety and say they'll see me next weekend. Then I leave the infirmary to get healed properly, leaving Bruce and Tony to speak to Fury.

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