37. Helicarrier Testing Room & Conference Room.

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8th June 2012: Helicarrier: Testing Room:
After the disaster of my strength, we moved onto my reflexes, I wasn't sure how they would test my reflexes though.

Will they throw knives at me or something!?

I was pleasantly surprised when they brought in a bag full of foam balls "We're going to play dodgeball!" Tony sounds so excited as he opens the bag "I assume it's what the name says, you're going to throw them at me?" "Haven't you played dodgeball before? It's a school sport." Fury seems curious, Thor walks over and places a hand on my shoulder "I have not heard of this sport either." "I was home-schooled and I'm pretty sure back in England little children aren't allowed to throw things at each other." Two questions are asked at the same time, one is "You were home-schooled?" asked by Clint, the other is "England?" asked by Steve. I just nod my head for a few seconds, a bit like a nodding dog ornament. I hear a chorus of "Oh." flow through the room. I break the silence "So, rules?" Fury clears his throat before answering "Don't get hit, that's it. Let's see how long you can last before being hit, one person at a time, the main aim is to dodge, but I'll allow you to hit them back, if you can." Fury pulls a stopwatch out of his pocket. Everyone lines up along one side of the room, I stand against the wall opposite them, with Fury to my left "Begin!" Everyone takes it in turns to throw foam balls at me, I dodge and hit away as many as I can, until one hits me and it's the next person's go. I manage to hit Bruce and Thor 'accidentally'. Last up is Natasha, she sends me a mischievous grin before practically chasing me round the room, she thinks she has me cornered, but I slip away, I decide to taunt her and it's so fun. Eventually she decides to throw the ball and it hits me in the chest, I stumble backwards slightly, but stay on my feet. We both start laughing.

That was so fun, I don't think I've had fun like this... ever!

I grab a foam ball and throw it at her, it hits her arm, her face turns furious for a second, before I see her grin. We both arm ourselves with foam balls and run around the room pelting them at each other with them. Everyone else is still in the room, some laughing, some just smiling, even Fury looks amused, I 'accidentally' hit Tony in the face with one "You little..." He picks one up and joins in, in a matter of minutes everyone, but Fury, is playing, but I think I see him out of the corner of my eye, smiling.

8th June 2012: Helicarrier: Conference Room:
Once everyone has calmed down from the fun game, Fury focusses on Scarlet "Dr Banner, Miss Olsen, I want you two with me, I'm going to show you how to shoot a gun, in case you ever need to know."

She looks a little nervous, but at least it will give her body a break.

"The rest of you are to report to the conference room, where Agent Hill will discuss your mission with you. Dismissed." Everyone leaves the room, setting off in two different directions. Our group arrive at the meeting room and sit around the table, Agent Hill stands before us "Hello everyone, we have a mission for you, we need you to take out a minor HYDRA base. We have been questioning and doing research on the invisible men you locked up, they were HYDRA Agents. After looking through the security cameras for cold body signatures we discovered they have actually been here for four weeks." "Right under our noses this whole time?" "I'm afraid so, Stark. They have been reading all our paperwork, listening to all our conversations, gathering as much information on us as possible, they then hacked into our system to learn about the weakness of you, the Avengers. Luckily our system was stronger than they thought, they didn't manage to get their desired information, but they still got a lot from their visit here. They have been reporting back from time to time, to an isolated HYDRA base, it's small and hidden." "But you know where it is?"

Why can't he just let the lady speak?

"Stark do you think we would know this much about the base and not know of its location?" "Just checking." "Three of the invisible Agents are dead, for various reasons. Here's all the information you need to know." She places some files down on the table, we pick them up and start to read through "You leave as soon as you're ready, good luck." She walks out of the room leaving us to read the files and discuss tactics.

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