33. 6th-7th June 2012.

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New York 6th June 2012: Scarlet's family home:
I walk into my parents house "I'm home!" "Oh hello, dear. How was everything today?" "It was really good. I want to talk to you and dad about something." "Of course." We all sit down on the sofa, I take a deep breath "I love you both so much and I don't want to live away from you. But it's rather difficult having to travel to and from the base everyday, I have to get in a car, then in a helicopter, it would be easier for everyone if I was to live there." "You don't have to worry about us, we can take care of ourselves and each other." My parents look at each other, sweet smiles form on their faces as they hold onto each others hands.

I want a relationship like that, someone who will look at me, the way my parents look at each other.

"Honey?" "Sorry, Mum."

She just caught me daydreaming, here come the questions.

"What were you thinking about... a man, perhaps...?" My cheeks blush slightly.

Not exactly a man...

"Scarlet, who is it?" "Her name is Natasha, one of the Avengers." My parents look at each other for a moment before dad nods and smiles "Just be careful." "Of course." My phone beeps, I pull it out.

'As long as you're happy with it, Fury will get a room set up' -Tony.

I look back at my parents "I'll spend my weekends here, if you want me." "That sounds like a plan, now go pack, go on!" My mum ushers me up the stairs, I text Tony.

'Yes, please' -Scarlet.
'Great, I'll come get you and all your stuff in the morning' -Tony.
'Thank you' -Scarlet.

I spent the rest of my evening packing and talking to my parents about Natasha, they wouldn't stop asking questions, but I didn't mind talking about her.

7th June 2012: Helicarrier:
I drive to Scarlet's house, I arrive and wait just outside the car, she walks out of the door with a suitcase and a backpack, she waves goodbye to her parents and brings her stuff over to me. I haul her stuff into the car and off we go. We arrive at the helicarrier, as soon as we walk through the doors, Furious and Natasha are waiting for us "Morning." No one answers me.

How rude.

Scarlet and I follow the pair to a room, the door is opened. Inside is the basics, a bed, dresser, wardrobe, lamp, restroom. She pulls the suitcase in and stops in front of the bed, she takes her backpack off her shoulders and places it on the bed, then tries to lift the suitcase up, but fails.

I'll be a gentleman and help.

I pick it up and put it on the bed for her, Furious speaks "This is your room for as long as you remain with us, you can leave for the weekends. If you need anything Agent Romanoff is next door." He turns on his heel and walks out, I bid my farewells "Ladies." I bow slightly, walk out and close the door behind me.

7th June 2012: Helicarrier:
"Want some help unpacking?" "Sure, thank you." She unzips her suitcase and we begin, finding appropriate places for each of her items.

This is such a cute top, I can't wait to see her wear it.

I pick up a small bag, I open it to find what look like bracelets, each one has a different colour of beads and an animal charm "They're emotional anklets." "Sorry what?" I turn around to see she is standing right behind me, her body almost up against mine, I feel my cheeks grow a little warm as I turn my attention back to the bag "My parents and I went on holiday to Africa once, I bought these, each colour represents an emotion or state you want to achieve that day and an animal to represent it." She takes the bag from me and lays each one out on the bed.

"Blue for calm, represented by a seal.
Green for determination, represent by a racoon.
Yellow for happiness, represented by a bear.
Purple for kindness, represented by a rabbit.
Orange for trust, represented by a fox.
Black for strength, represented by a gorilla."

I think over the colours, states and animals "They don't all make sense." "They may not make sense to you, but they do to me." "How so?" "You'll have to figure that one out for yourself." She gives me a little smile "There is one more, red for bravery, represented by a lion." She gestures down to her ankle "So right now you want to be brave?" "Yes." "For what, exactly?" She looks down at her feet, as she grows a little shy "Right now... a few things..." After a moment she turns back to her suitcase and keeps unpacking "My mum always wears the same one all the time, white for tolerance, represented by a heron. She's a teacher, so she needs to tolerate everyone. If you ever want to wear one, I don't mind." She sends me a sweet smile before busying herself.

Hmm... jewellery that helps your emotional state, I don't think I believe it, but it's a reassuring idea, I guess.

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