14. Helicarrier Lab.

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31st May 2012: Helicarrier: Lab:
I'm in the lab with some of the other Avengers when Stark and Scarlet walk in, she's holding her head high, with a pretty dress on. She strides into the lab, a big smile forming on her face "Good morning everybody." She bows her head slightly, Stark sits on a stool.

Someone's in a good mood, I wonder what has her so happy?

Bruce walks up behind Scarlet and whispers something in her ear, making her jump, she turns invisible for just a second, then when she reappears she has a startled look on her face. They look at each other and start laughing.

What just happened? Why did she go invisible?

I ask the question on my mind "Can someone explain to me what just happened?" Tony explains "Whenever she gets frightened or shy she turns invisible for a moment." I look over at Scarlet who's starting to turn pink, she starts fiddling with one of the buttons on her dress, she looks up and our eyes meet for a moment, before she looks back down, rather nervously. She turns her head towards Bruce and whispers something to him, he responds and she chuckles slightly, she sounds incredibly nervous.

She's probably asking about me, well, I need to be careful, we don't know enough about her yet and if she can turn invisible then she could wander the base without our knowledge, gathering information about us to possibly use against us.

Tony breaks me away from my thoughts "Alright, let's leave Banner and Scarlet to get busy. Come on!" "What are you two going to be doing?" Clint has a curious look on his face. Bruce takes Scarlet's hand and leads her to a pair of stools as he speaks "We're testing Scarlet's invisibility capabilities." "Goodbye everyone!" Tony pushes us all out of the lab, just as we're leaving I hear Bruce "You too, Stark." "What?! Why?" He huffs as he follows us out and shuts the door behind him.

31st May 2012: Helicarrier: Lab:
I saw Stark and Scarlet arrive just a few minutes ago so I head to the lab, when I arrive the door is still open with Scarlet standing alone in the doorway, I take this as an opportunity to scare her, just a little bit, payback for what happened a few days ago. I creep up behind her and lean close to her ear "Boo." A whisper is all it takes for her to disappear from view for a second, she turns her head towards me, her expression softens when she notices it's me, we both burst into laughter.

Thank goodness she isn't mad at me for doing that.

"Can someone explain to me what just happened?" Nat asks, I look at their shocked expressions, Stark explains "Whenever she gets frightened or shy she turns invisible for a moment." While Stark is talking everyone is looking at him, apart from Nat, her eyes drift over to Scarlet, who doesn't know she's being watched, she's fiddling with a button on her dress, something I've noticed she does that when she's nervous. Nat doesn't take her eyes off her, a look of curiosity on her face, Scarlet looks up and locks eyes with Nat for a moment, before she looks back down and turns to me slightly "Why is she watching me?" "She's being careful, if there's anyone here who's trust you need to earn, it's hers. If you can earn her trust, then you're safe." She chuckles slightly "She's going to kill me, isn't she?" Then I hear Stark "Alright, let's leave Banner and Scarlet to get busy. Come on!" "What are you two going to be doing?" Clint has a curious look on his face. Ignoring the others, I take Scarlet's hand and lead her to a pair of stools "We're testing Scarlet's invisibility capabilities." "Goodbye everyone!" Stark pushes them all out of the lab, he is about to close the door with him inside "You too Stark." "What?! Why?" He huffs as he follows the others out of the room closing the door behind him "Now, how about we see how long you can stay invisible for?" She gives me a nod, I grab my notepad and pen, look at the time and write it down, when I turn back to the stool she's invisible.

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