8. Helicarrier.

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29th May 2012: Helicarrier:
It's been a while, Bruce and I have just been sitting here drawing, I haven't been focusing on the time, I've been focusing on staying cold, staying invisible. All the things I've been drawing are things that relate to the cold, it seems to be working, I'm thinking about polar bears, penguins and the Disney Frozen film. I've got the song going through my head.

'Let it go! Let it go! I can't hold it back anymore.
Let it go! Let it go! Turn away and slam the door.
I don't care, what they're going to say.
Let the storm rage on!
The cold never bothered me any-'

My mental singing stops when Fury and Tony walk in, I put down the notepad, the pen and keep quiet. They stride over to Bruce, Fury starts talking "How is she getting on?" "Good, she can control when she turns invisible." "Good." Then he realises I'm not visible, I silently slip off the stool and take a seat on a different stool behind them "Where is she?" "Testing how long she can stay invisible for, she's been going for..." Bruce looks at the clock, writes down the time and does some quick math. "... 34 minutes. I've been checking up on her every 10 minutes to make sure she's still feeling alright." "Good." Fury directs his attention to the stool next to Bruce, I put my hand over my mouth to hide a giggle "Miss Olsen, I'm proud of you, I'm impressed with your progress. If you are interested we could train you up to join SHIELD."

What!? He wants me to become an Agent? I couldn't possibly do that, I'm not strong, fast and I'm definitely not brave, I'd die on my first mission.

I feel my body get even colder, if that's even possible, I feel a shiver down my spine.

An Agent? No, he must mean in the other room with all the computers, but why would he be so interested in my invisibility skills then?

"Miss Olsen? We could train you to fight, you could assist the Avengers. Your skills could be very useful."

The Avengers? How could I possibly help them, they're... they're superheroes. I'm just an invisible girl.

I stand up, which was a mistake, I start to feel dizzy as I feel another shiver down my spine, I can't even seem to get my words out "Miss Olsen? Are you sure she's here?" "Scarlet?" Bruce and Tony both reach for me on the stool at the same time, but I'm not there, I can feel my body weakening.

I have to do something. But they're going to send me out there to help, to die. I'm going to die.

With that my vision blurs and my legs give way, I feel my body hit the floor as everything turns to black.

I open my eyes to find myself in an unfamiliar room, it looks like a hospital. I glance around and see Bruce talking to a man in a white coat, a Doctor maybe. He notices me looking at him, he says goodbye to the other man and walks over, he sits down on a chair next to the bed I'm lying on "How you feeling?" "Better." "Good, we need to be careful how long you're invisible for if it affects you like this."

No, the invisibility wasn't the reason I panicked, it was Fury, his... idea.

"Scarlet?" "It wasn't from being invisible." "How can you be sure?" I take a deep breath "I had a panic attack." He looks at me with a face I can't quite figure out.

Is he confused? Curious? Sad? Sympathetic? Does he feel sorry for me?

"Because of what Fury said." "Oh." Now he understands, I can tell he's reliving the speech in his mind, remembering what was said "You don't need to panic over that. For now just ignore that and focus on learning more and controlling your powers, okay?" I give him a slight nod. I go to sit up, but he puts his hand on my head and pushes me back down "After you've rested. We'll pick up where we left off tomorrow." He looks at me with a very serious face, I give in and close my eyes.

Wait! No, don't sleep, what time is it? What about my parents?

I sit up as quickly as I can, Bruce had just turned to walk away, but notices and turns around with a sigh "I told you to-" "My parents, they think I'm at work." "I'll get Stark to talk to them, say you're working late tonight and are going to stay the night. How's that?" I nod, he gives me that serious look again, telling me to lay down, I lay down and close my eyes once again, but this time I fall asleep.

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