chapter 3: you sound like one of those obnoxious old ladies from a 1990s comedy

Start from the beginning

"So this is Reinhardt. The Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshman lockers are on the first floor in the east wing and the Seniors are upstairs in the west wing. The only locker I know of that is open is--"

"God, your voice is annoying," he says interrupting me.

I stare at him with my mouth hanging open. "Excuse me?" 

"You sound like one of those obnoxious old ladies from a 1990s comedy," he says rubbing is templs and reaching into his back pocket. He pulls out a cigarette and lights it.

"First of all, that is very rude. Second, you can't smoke in here," I say and open up my water bottle and pouring water over his hand.

"Did you just...?"

"Yes, I did. You are so inconsiderate," I say leaning on one hip and folding my arms.

"Who cares if I'm nice or not?"

"You know what," I say. "You can find your own way around, okay?"

"Whatever you say, Red," he says and I stop as I'm walking away.

"What did you call me?" Red... that's what the guy from the ball called me.

"Red, you get all red when you're angry," he says and smirks.

"Good luck on your first day, Noah," I sneer and walk away to the rest of my first period class.


"I don't care how gorgeous he is! He is the rudest teenage boy I have ever met and I live with like six teenage boys.

"Well, let me fill you in on what I heard about Jax," Tonya says.

"You have to listen to this, Lynn," Lydia says. "It is the actual kick starter to your relationship with Jaxon Collins."


"So I was at this party last Saturday with Lydia and we were standing with April and Bianca talking and dancing. We were standing next to Jaxon, Will, Mason, Ben, and Jake and they were talking about who they're asking to homecoming and when they got around to Jaxon he said, "oh i don't know"." tonya imitates a really bad impression of Jax's voice. "So then Will jumped in and said, "what about Jackie? Don't you really like her?" and then Jax was like yeah, but I don't know about her and they all told him to go for it."

I smile and look over at Jaxon. He's laughing with his friends and runs a hand through his hair turning his head slightly towards my direction. Once he sees me out of the corner of his eye he turns more to see me. I know I'm blushing so much I look like a tomato. He winks at me and I bite my lip and turn back around.

"It get's better!" Lydia squeals. "He said he wanted to do it at lunch next Friday."

I take a bite of my apple smiling and stop. "Wait, this was last Saturday?"

They nod. 

"Which makes today next Frid-"

"Everyone!" I hear Jax yell and I see Lydia grinning at me.

I turn around and see him standing on top of the lunch table. I cover my face and start laughing. "He's such a dork!"

"I have something very important to ask a very lucky lady," he says.

I see Campbell Johnson get overly excited at the table next to Jax. Will looks over at her and shakes his head at her and a frown is plastered on her face.

"Jaclynn Rose Winston," he starts. I see Noah walk into the cafeteria and he smirks leaning against the doorframe. "Will you give me the greatest honor of going to homecoming with me?"

I smile and walk over to him at the other side of the room. I stop in front of him and he helps me up onto the table with him. 

"Hi," I whisper

"Hey," he says with a smile. He hands me a bouquet of lilies. He remembered I love lilies. Roses are too cheesy.

"You remembered?"

"Of course," he answers. "So what do you say?"

"Yes," I answer and he kisses me.

The cafeteria erupts into a collection of applause and I can' stop smiling. That is until my eyes find Noah's and he mouths 'annoying' to me and I roll my eyes at him before kissing me again.


"Hey, Red!" Noah yells as I unlock my Porshe and hold the door open.


"I heard you are on the volleyball team," he says.

"Yeah, and...?"

"Well you are just proving my point that you are annoying," he says and leans against my car.

"I am not annoying. I'm successful. I'm on student council, an honors student, and I'm captain of the volleyball team," I tell him and fold my arms over my chest.

"Wow! You just became ten times more annoying!" He exclaims.

I open the car door farther and get inside. 

"Oh and your car? A 911 turbo convertible Porshe? Bright ass yellow? Even more annoying." He says.

Freddy gets in the front and Sully drags himself into the back. "I said I wanted the front seat, but no don't listen to me," Sully complains

"You had the front all week. Ask Jackie," Freddy says pulling out his phone and putting his earbuds in.

"Dude, that's Noah Reed," Sully says and slaps Freddy across the back of the head.

"Who're they?" Noah asks leaning in the window of my car and nodding his head in the direction of the twins.

"My brothers. That's Freddy and that's Sully." I say.

"You're the new quarterback, right?" Freddy asks Noah.

"Yeah," Noah answers nonchalantly.

"You are so good. I watched you try out," Sully says.

"Thanks, bud," he says and gives him a lopsided smiles. "I should get going. When's your sister's next volleyball game?" 

"On o'clock tomorrow at Woodridge High," Sully answers and I pinch him.

"I'll see you then, Red."

"I hate both of you. You are doing my chores tonight," I say.

"Fine, but can we get ice cream?" Sully asks.

"After we pick up Brian and Chance."

"Love you, Lynn," Freddy yells over the music pounding in his ears.

"Yeah, Yeah whatever."

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