Wendy rolled her eyes and walked out of the place first while Harry spoke, "With this," They all began to leave, "We'll call it even." The sound of their footsteps leaving made me relax and the world that spun around me finally stopped.

Harry was the last one out and after he left, he closed the door behind him. Leaving me in the dark room where I was barely holding onto my consciousness.

I let out a weak sigh

"Fuck," It was a feeble whisper.

I can't believe I thought I might make it without violence. My sight began to be consumed by darkness and the crippling headache began to fade in the distance. I should have foreseen this coming. There wasn't anything I could give them since they are all members of the elite society. None of them lack anything.

I let out a trembling breath.

But at least with this, they'll keep their mouths shut.

We're even with this.



I went back to the dorm after attending classes as usual. I wanted to talk to Killian but he's been on leave for three days now and hasn't been picking up his phone either.

I unlocked my door and went in wondering if there's anything I can do to find Eli. No one's contacting the police because everything thinks he might have gone somewhere on his own and he technically did too.

I let out an exasperated sigh and dropped my bag on the floor when a sudden voice scared the shit out of me.

"Why?" A head barely poked up from the triple seater sofa, "Tough day?" It made me jump but then I recognized the voice.

"Eli?" I was baffled.

Where the hell did he come from?

For a moment, I just stood there in a daze as he lay back down, "Arggh," He let out a groan, "Yep." He spoke softly, "That's me,"


My thoughts scattered but what was the point of thinking now? So, I stomped my way over to the couch to say something and to let my frustration out on him but the moment I stood in front of him as he lay on the couch I froze.

A lot of him was covered in bandages.

"What...?" My eyes went wide when I saw how injured he was, "What happened?!" I kneeled down on the carpet and began to panic. His left eye had a patch on his and his head was bandaged too, "You look so tattered!!" My heart broke when I saw him like that. It was like someone had injured me.

The sting in my chest was so deep, for a moment it felt like someone stabbed my body through.

"Still better than how I was three days ago."

"What happened!?" I cupped his cheeks, "Who would do this!?" I felt my eyes sting as my emotions started building up.

"Oh," He smiled, "It's part of the deal."

"What deal!?" I paused, "Wait-" I remembered why he left in the first place, "With Harry's group?" I started getting angry, "They did this?"

"It was an equal exchange."

"What equal exchange!?" I cupped his face harder, "They almost killed you!!"

"But," He placed his hand on mine to loosen them, "At least I won't be getting expelled or to jail." He patted my hands, "This was the best solution."

"The best solution!?" I shook my head, "Clearly not!?"

"It was, we won't be having trouble in the future either."

"What makes you so sure?!"

"Because I have evidence of the assault. So anything goes wrong. I'll use it."

I paused.

I was really angry but I had no idea where to put my anger so I just let out a deep angry exhale, then I crashed my head on his chest.

"Ohhfff fuck!" He let out a pained sound, "Mael!"

"Sorry!" I immediately moved my head away but now my eyes were teary, "Did that hurt a lot!?" I looked at him as a tear slipped down my cheek.

"Well, just stay with me," He smiled softly, "And I'll be fine."

I nodded, "Okay," I've heard that werewolves heal a lot faster if their mate is close to them.

I slid down next to the sofa and placed my back against it as I sat on the sofa, "So?" I spoke up after a few seconds of silence, "What now?" I glanced back at him, "You did say you would tell me things."

"Well," He readjusted himself to be able to look at me, "How about we both tell our stories then?" He looked into my eyes, "I'll tell you how I know things, if you tell me your story."

I nodded, "Alright." This time I didn't even hesitate for some reason. I didn't have to think twice about it. And I wonder, is it because of the mate bond?

Because we're mates? Or simply because I trust him?

The Alpha Academy [Lost Mates Book 1]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ