A lot of it was really good, while some was... questionable. Sometimes it would just be his head photoshopped onto something odd, like money, a koala, etc. However, it all seemed in good humor, otherwise Phil wouldn't have retweeted it in the first place.

He also posted a lot of picture of him and Dan together on their travels, the two grown men acting like children in all of them. You stifled a small giggle when you saw some of them, admiring their unbreakable friendship. Suddenly, your face fell as a tiny pain went through your heart while you remembered Hailey, a sudden sadness filling you as you longed to see your friend. Unfortunately she was halfway across the world, unable to visit for quite some time. You vowed to give her a call tonight, hoping to catch her before the time difference was too much. You had attempted to call her this morning, but she must've been fast asleep where she was. Man, long distance relationships are hard...

After assuring yourself that you would give her a ring tonight, you pressed forward and continued your adventures through Twitter.

Up next was Dan's page

Punctuation. That was the first thing you noticed.

When tweeting, it looked like he was someone with no regards towards proper sentence structure, his words lacking punctuation signs as they flashed their all lowercase designs. You could feel your eye twitching in discomfort as you willed yourself to ignore his unexplained ways. For the most part, you found yourself laughing at his tweets, short, gruff and straight to their passive aggressive points. Yet at the same time, you felt yourself drawn into some of his other tweets; he was somebody with a lot of consideration and care when it came to serious issues.

He would retweet issues surrounding mental health, his thoughts and genuine comments loud and out to the world. While his goofy side seemed to dominate him, there was also a watchfulness to his character as well. What a sweet person he is.

There were a few photographs of him that you had to scroll past quickly, otherwise you found it hard to look away from him. This feeling plagued you, twisting your stomach into a knot whenever you were faced with this dilemma. You could feel a sweat and crooked smile coming on anytime Dan's model pictures would come into view. Damnit, what that fuck is that all about? It was at this time you decided to stop looking at their profiles, you had already spent enough time lurking around.

Of course, you wouldn't leave without following them of course. You'd be one of the... 8 million people following them?! Your eyes bulged at the number of people who supported them, your mouth suddenly dry with how overwhelmed you felt. That amount was absolutely insane, outrageous! Unbelievable!

Now you were beyond curious at what these people would tag Dan and Phil in. You couldn't help your racing fingers as your hastily typed in their tags; #Danielhowell and #Phillester. You were excited yet also terrified. What would this treasure trove reveil to you, the naive person who had just discovered Twitter?

Art, art, so much art.

Memes, memes, so many memes!

The community was crazy active, a new post happening almost every second. A lot of people posting about their excitement to see them live on tour; Interactive Introverts? That was probably the second tour Dan had talked about. The demographic looked mostly female, yet there was the occasional fanboy hiding amongst the crowd.

People were also posting about the merchandise they had bought from Dan's store. Dan has his own line of merchandise?! What the fuck! I couldn't even sell chocolate during my time at public school! This was unreal, these guys were practically celebrities! It was... so daunting.

Your head was spinning once you realized just how popular these two brits were. You almost felt bad for hanging out with them. Maybe they secretly thought you weren't good enough to be around them? There was no way you were on the same level, they were famous and you were just a university student! It began to settle in just how out of reach you guys truly were; it was like you were on a different planet from the two.

Dream a Little Dream // Daniel Howell x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now