Chapter 35:Paralyzing

Start from the beginning

"A paralyzing attack, it's because of that lead poison" he asked and Diego stayed quiet."answer me"

"Yes it is. It reached your muscles so you will be facing these attacks often" Diego said.

"Leave me alone all of you" he said.

"But Antonio-" I started.

"I said I want all of you to fucking leave me" he said then just then he regained his power and threw a flower vase on the ground. "Just fucking leave"

"Antonio we are trying to help" Gabriel said as Antonio ran a hand in his hair.

"Leave" he said coldly.

"My love you and the girls should head to the beach house to freshen up. I will talk to the  doctor and I will sign the discharge papers and will bring Antonio home today" Diego said to Gabriel.


"We are here, we will calm him down" Diego said and she nodded.

"OK" Gabriel said then the girls and I walked out.


When we reached home, we all freshened up and I got a long deserved nap. When I woke up it was already 6pm,the guys would be bringing Antonio any minute.

I was making my way through the halls when I saw something in Antonio's room. I walked into the room and a smile made it's way to my face.

There were several sketches of me scattered around the room. Most of them were of  me smiling and the others were romantic poses, the ones that caught my attention were one where we were making out at a waterfall and the other where we were dancing holding on onto each other.

"He spent the entire day on that one" Gabriel said from behind me making me jump. I was holding a sketch were Antonio was carrying me in his arms.

"Really" I asked and she nodded.

"He loves you so much that he did nothing but sketch all day just to feel close to you" she said with a smile.

"I can't believe he loves me this much and I took so long to realize that I was in love with him" I said and Gabrielle's eyes widened.

"What did you say, you are in love with him" she asked and I nodded.

"I love him very much but I don't know how to tell him with everything that has happened" I said then her phone began ringing.

"Diego what's up"she answered then her eyes widened as she hung up.

" what's wrong, is Antonio alright "I asked.

" come on"she said then grabbed my arm and led me down stairs.

"Gabriel, I think you need to see this" Fran said as we walked down stairs.

"What's going on what happened to Antonio" I asked as we entered the living room.

"Antonio is fine, it's the media. One of the nurses must have leaked that Antonio is in hospital" Gabriel said as she switch on the TV.

A few moments later, the guys walked in and Antonio walked over to me and sat next to me. He didn't say anything but just sit there holding my hand in his.

I turned to the TV and saw a woman on the TV talking about Antonio.

"The son of Fernandez's house Antonio Fernandez was seen existing the hospital with his brother Raymond Fernandez and his friends Diego and Roberto.

Antonio was seen with a bandage on his head. An inside source say that he was admitted apparently a few hours ago. His girlfriend was also admitted to the same hospital.

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