I Never Said This Out Loud...

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A/N: This is for my friend. If she's reading this, she knows who she is. 

I Never Said This Out Loud…

I never said this out loud

But I guess it’s time to face the truth

Do you know how much you hurt me?

Or what you made me do?

I never said this out loud

But I guess there’s a first time for everything

Are you even hearing me?

Are you listening?

I never said this out loud

Or typed it in a text

How many were before me?

And who is the next?

I never said this out loud

But do you hear my cries?

Do you see my tears

That pour right out my eyes?

I never said this out loud

But I cut with a knife

It’s because of you that I wish

To end my sorry life. 

I never said this out loud

But I intend to tell everyone

Just sot hey know

And they won’t be the next victim

I never said this out loud

But the bullying will not happen again

I admit, you broke me

And you can’t take back the words you said. 

I never said this out loud

But you’re not worth my time

You aren’t worth the blood and tears

That my body cries at night. 

I never said this out loud

But I will make you regret those days

I will wipe that ugly smirk

Right off your stupid face

I never said this out loud

But I am plotting my revenge

Coming up with plans at night

When I’m lying in my bed

I never said this out loud

But I’m giving up

I’m not that kind of person

Enough is enough. 

I never said this out loud

But I’m slowly forgetting 

Please don’t make it like this

It’s my forgiveness you’re getting

I never said this out loud

But you can’t change your past

I know you’re sorry

So make me be the last.

I never said this out loud

But I accept your apology

You had no idea what you were doing 

Or what kind of pain you were causing me

I never said this out loud

But I no longer use a knife

And I no longer wish to end

My now peaceful life. 

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