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I could break down crying at any given moment

But I hold myself together

No one said it's good for you

No one said you could hold it all in forever

I gather up my thoughts

Hunt down my tears

And lock them away so no one can see

Through the fake happiness here

It's funny how people are such hypocrites

We go around saying that we

Hate when people judge others

Then turn around and go do it ourselves

This guy's ugly

This girl's fat

This ones anorexic

This ones gay

It should not be called unattractive, I say

It should be called society

Society can break you into tears

Society can be your worst fear

Going out in a world of bitter hate

Look at what monsters society can create

So before you overthink what you hear

Think of this:

Is it the truth?

Or is it society speaking in your ear?

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