Haunt You Forever

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You Make Me Die

Say those words

And watch me cry

Does it give you satisfaction

When we fall out?

Push my head underwater

And make me lose my breath slowly

Does it give you satisfaction

To watch me suffocate?

Stab me in the back 

With a knife you just happen to have

Does it give you satisfaction

To see my blood on the ground?

Put a bullet through my head

It's my life that you're more than happy to end

Does it give you satisfaction

To see it puncture my heart?

Well you'll just be 

Satisfied to know

I'm bleeding out

On this bloody ground

Oh, no. 

I don't think I'll go just yet

I'll be here till

You get what you deserve

Because you sure have some nerve

Coming round here

When I'll haunt you forever. 

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