Where the Loving Stopped

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Where the Loving Stopped

One little fight

Causes the flame to ignite

And burn my happiness out

And you only see 

Everything but me

And everything you’ve shut out 

I walk with my shoulders slumped down

You wonder why you have to put up

With me, and this whole thing

Well, why’d you have me

If you don’t care to have me

Ignore what I feel

Ignore what I say

It’s not like it’s going to make difference anyways

You yell and you scream

You kick and you punch

But nothing you say is going to 

Waver me, much

I think you’ve taken

My childhood away from me

Ever since this went down

I don’t even know where this starts

Where the fighting starts

Where the loving stopped

You say that it doesn’t matter

That another fight has passed 

Well you know that the latter

May be true 

But another fight has yet to brew

Oh and you know it

I’m so tired of what you say

Do you think I’m going to listen to you today

If I haven’t before

Nothing you say will ever even the score 

Did you know that I’m jealous

Of other kids because they can be reckless

And not worry of the punishment 

That awaits them at home

Then you start to get all quiet

I think I just may start a new riot 

Cause things aren’t turning out at all 

What I thought they’d be 

I’m like a caged bird that

Gave up on ever being free

It’s like I’m trying to write a story

Of whatever became of me

The story line has a mystery

Its got me in suspense

Just to get it right, 

I’ve to read it over again

And over again

Why do I even try

When nothing seems to turn out right

Why does it even hurt 

When I say I’m over it

I guess that it just doesn’t work

I think you’ve taken

My childhood away from me

Ever since this went down

I don’t even know where this starts

Where the fighting starts

Where the loving stopped

This is like one of those sad movies

Playing that music, it seems dreary

Every note that hits it only makes you want to cry

I bet you can see the tears

Starting to form 

In my eyes


Tear down the paper walls and

Put up some concrete stone

Now I won’t have to worry

About someone breaking my

Already broken heart

I think you’ve taken

My childhood away from me

Ever since this went down

I don’t even know where this starts

Where the fighting starts

Where the loving stopped

I think you’ve taken

My childhood away from me

Ever since this went down

I don’t even know where this starts

Where the fighting starts

Where the loving stopped

I think you’ve taken

My childhood away from me

Ever since this went down

I don’t even know where this starts

Where the fighting starts

Where the loving stopped

The loving stopped when you realized

I’d never be anything but a

Disappointment in your eyes

But did you think for just one moment

I’d spread my wings and fly


A/N: This song, well, I guess you could say that it sums up the relationship between my parents and I . They always fight with me, my sister, and amungst themselves, and it breaks my heart that I can't have a loving family and a carefree childhood. I know that all of the songs that I write are exactly like this and have the same purpose, but this one screams that it's different. I really hope that you like it, because it's probably the best that I've written.

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