For Being Me & RIOT

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A/N: These are two poems that I thought would work well together. And recently, I've been reading a lot more poetry. So if you'd like to comment on any chapters, or on my profile about your poems, or good poems that you've read, that would be AMAZING. <3

Part I: For Being Me 

You expect everything from me

But we all know that I have a horrible memory 

Can't you do anything?

You complain oh, so much

Can't you accept what you have; 

Quit demanding what you don't?

You need to stop fighting 

A pointless battle

Because I know that you're wrong

You just won't admit defeat

A long list of chores to do

Well then what the hell are you going to do?

You sit around doing nothing all day

Expect me to clean up after everybody

Face flushed

With anger and rage

I keep it all inside, try not to show

That I'm close to the edge, close to my break

I turn to music for comfort

But you take that away too

Turns out you're just a spoiled hypocrite

You got nothing else to do. 

Do you hear the words coming from your lips?

Because they've all mounted into this

I'm falling into the darkness

So helpless

Against this

Because you're the parent 

And apparently I'm the child that needs "discipline"

But what if I don’t want to turn out like you?

There’s only a select few 

Who care

Who don’t scream and yell

A childhood is the highlight of your life

So why are you making mine hell?

I always do what you want, 

But now it’s time for me to take the wheel;

Set the car in gear

It’s about time I get the hell outta here

I’m ready to live without you

I’m sorry that I can’t be perfect

I’m sorry that I  can’t live my life right

I’m sorry that you don’t like who I turned out to be

But I sure won’t apologize for being me.



Is something you decide

Lets begin a riot, 

A protest, if you will

Take a stand

Against the ones that stepped on you

Stand your ground

Against the ones who looked right through you

Take a chance 

Lean on something so you don’t fall down

It’s okay to trust 

Its okay to love

But some people aren’t worth it

That’s something you’ve got to learn

Let’s begin a riot, 

A protest, if you rather

We will not get stepped on

We will not be pushed around

We will be understood 

Even if we have to make you

We will….

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