For Lex

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  • Dedicated to Lex

A/N: this is for one of my best friends, Lex. She was bullied a tiny bit. It made her feel really bad.

Song: Are You Happy Now? Megan and Liz

(even though I've probably used this song before)

So you messed up

And taking a harsh verbal beating

But you know what?

It's okay; you're not bleeding

Fight the anger

The bitterness

The tears

Throw up your middle finger

Because their comments aren't welcome here

Guard yourself, set up a barrier

And dont take their words to heart

It's okay, we're not perfect

The more imperfectionists the merrier

You see,

We're all flawed

And I bet you're the least flawed out of us all

So don't put yourself down

You're not to blame

So don't go as low as their level

And play their brutal game.

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