Playing Pretend... it isn't as fun as it seems.

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Just doing things with my friends

Just being me; 

No need to pretend

Pretend I’m pretty

Pretend I’m hot

We all know

That I’m not

Just doing things with my friends

Just being me; 

No need to pretend

Pretend I’m smart

Pretend I’m dumb 

All those feelings go totally numb 

Just doing things with my friends

Just being me; 

No need to pretend

Pretend I’m funny

Pretend I’m fun

Because we all know I’m the boring one

Just doing things with my friends

That will eventually turn their backs to me

Get a knife in the back

No more need to pretend that 

I’m someone I’m not

I guess I’ll get new friends eventually

Let’s give this cycle another shot

New friends become old 

And the cycle repeats

People stabbing in the back

Putting their knives into me

School gets rough

Life becomes tough

And I get forced to hear those words

Words that choke my heart

Until it starts to burst

All these tears I’m holding back

Make my eyes hurt

Do you honestly care?

Well, you’d be the first. 

I’m done with people being insincere 

Of people never being here

With all the lies; 

The guarded eyes

Steel shells

And broken promises

My world was turned completely lopsided

Feelings unbalanced

All your words are so cryptic, 

Its hard to know what you mean

You’re driving me mad; insane

Say that I don’t have the brains; 

The guts; 

The love

They might not notice, 

But I see through your every bluff. 

Always speaking about me

Say I’m never going to succeed

You tell me I don’t pride myself on anything I do

Do you hear yourself?

You don’t even know

That they joke’s always been on you

See, I love myself enough to stay strong

To stay alive

Through all your shit, I know I can survive

With little love

With little guts, 

I guess that it’ll have to be enough

You don’t know me enough to say

That I’ll never to anything good

For the world of today

So for the record, 

Those friends that I had

Weren’t every good

If I had to pretend

About everything in my life

Now I know how to decide

Who to hang around with 

Because if you don’t like me being my self, 

I don’t care, that’s your problem

So deal with it yourself. 

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