Crying Late at Night...

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Crying late at night

When you’re all sound asleep

These tears I’m crying out

Take away the very best of me

Silent screams

With hopeless dreams

Cloud as a castle wall

No one knows how to break it

Or if it will break at all

Some of them have it easy 

Others have it rough

But while you’re getting everything on a platter

My life is tough.

Broken songs I learned to love

Play from the radio

It’s been a while, I know

But I want to learn when I can go home

Your sneer fits your face

It fits like a glove

The tears dried

And revealed lies

The ones you’ve fed to me

I’m no longer blind

And I have the urge to breathe

Quitting the game

Rather than playing right

Is how you want to go

But when you cry alone at night

Just know I won’t be there for you to hold. 

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