"Well, if you want me to meet your dad. ..you'll have to consider meeting my mom" I said, a smirk playing across my lips.

Ash gave it a thought, furrowing his brows at me, then squinting at me. It was ridiculously funny watching him. It was like he was thinking about the biggest decision in history. Hilarious!

"Definitely" He said, nodding confidently at me.

I looked at him in suprise before giving him a hug. Okay, this is a good start.

"I think it's about time we get to know each other's family, even though mine is fucked up" He said, running a hand through his hair.

"Hey, don't say that! I'm happy your dad is interested in getting to know me and I know for sure mom and Ally would be delighted to get to know my lovely boyfriend".

"I hope so" He mumbled, leaning in to give me a kiss.

I heard my phone ringing annoyingly, interrupting our moment. I rolled my eyes as I broke away from our kiss to go see my phone. Ash chuckled at me as he walked and plopped down on the bed.

I pulled out my phone and saw that I had a few missed calls from Dani and a new text from Todd. Oh no! I forgot to tell them that I was with Ash last night. Oh crap! Our mall date today. Shit, shit, shit!

"What's wrong? You look. .. worried" Ash said, glancing at me from the bed.

"It's. ..it's just that I have a mall date with Dani and Todd and I almost forgot. They also don't know that I'm here" I said, running a hand halfway through my knotted hair.

"Mind if I tag along?" He asked with a smile. I couldn't resist grinning like an idiot, he looked so cute when he was being polite.

"Hmm. ..yeah I don't think they would mind. I'll have to go have a shower now and get dressed though. I'll text you" I said, walking back to his bedside just to get a goodbye kiss.

"You could always shower here, with me" He said in a low, seductive tone as we broke apart. I almost gave in but thank goodness I blinked, his stare was mesmerizing. I have to work on not making it get to me so much, or I'd be doing things I wouldn't normally do. Like shower with another. ..being. Is that weird?

"Nice try player, but I'll pass" I said, tossing a pillow at his face.
He burst out laughing and shook his head in disbelief.

"I'm hurt. I'm really, seriously hurt. It feels like the beach party all over again. Oh and look! You're walking out the door, just like how you kept walking away from me!" He shouted as I gathered my stuff and let myself out.

I laughed out loud as I walked down the stairs. I love where we are right now. We're finally together, no problems.

* * *

When I got back to my room, Dani was nowhere to be seen. I called her and told her where I was and that I'm back at the room. Todd also called and said he would be by around 12pm to pick us up. I'm glad he was totally fine with Ash coming along.

I opened my closet and began looking for something to wear. Ash is coming along so I can't possibly wear sweats like I always do. Now that we're actually in a relationship I feel the need to look good, if that even makes sense.

I pull out a cute pink tank and a pair of jeans I haven't worn in a while. Matched with my brown boots of course. Love it!

I hop in the shower, taking my brush with me to untangle my horrible hair. I look up at the ledge and see that Dani's bought some new overly-priced shampoo. I flip the lid and take a whiff. Strawberry. I gently squeeze the bottle and watch as a mixture of white and pink shampoo plomps onto my palm.

"Oh, this smells great!" I said out loud as I massaged it into my hair.

"I'm glad!" someone shouted from outside the door.

"Dani, is that you?" I shouted back, chuckling to myself.

"Yes girl now hurry the hell up, I gotta shower too" she said, opening the door.

After another good 10 minutes, I shut off the water and stepped out, wrapping the towel around me. I dried my soft hair and decided to let it loose. My hair looked shiny and vibrant,unlike this morning when it looked like a troll's.
I stared at myself in the huge mirror, I looked the same. Haven't gained or lost weight, still the same skin tone. My hair definitely needs a trim though.

I opened the door and walked out, Dani quickly jumped into the shower, she was sweaty and looked exhausted. I'm guessing she went for a run. I have no idea why she does this much to stay fit. She's looks absolutely beautiful and has a great body already. Oh well, at least she's doing her, I can't even run for 10 minutes without puffing out.

I got dressed and sat on my bed going through my phone. Ally had posted a lot of new pictures on her page, looks like it was Lisa's 17th birthday yesterday. Aww! Ally looks so cute in that dress, I'm so glad she went. She deserves some fun.

Next was Todd who posted a throwback from a year ago, attending some fancy lunch at some fancy place. Oh Todd! He had brown check shorts and a pink Polo shirt on with Samantha by his side in her usual lady-like attire.

I took a quick selfie and was suprised it actually came out good. I might be an aspiring artist but I was crap when it came to taking pictures. As soon as I posted it, I immediately got an 'I Miss you' from Ally and something I'd rather not say out loud by Ash. My cheeks were flushed as I read it and I couldn't help it one bit.

"Damn! What's up with you?" Dani asked, appearing from the bathroom area dressed and ready to go. She had on ripped jeans and a pretty off-the-shoulder top.

"Oh nothing" I replied, grinning all the way out the door.

"Someone's in love" Dani mumbled as she locked the door behind us.

"Shut it Dani!" I replied, trying to wipe my cheesy smile of my face.

Just as we reached outside Ash's dorm, he came walking down the stairs, looking like someone straight out of a movie. Wow.
But not just any movie, I think he should be in one of those movies where he plays the bad boy who steals the sweet girl's heart and teaches her all kinds of bad stuff. Oh god I'm rambling in my head. Why am I so weird?

"Hey pretty lady" He greeted me, giving me a peck on the cheek.

"Aw that's so cute. You guys are adorable!" Dani squealed, clapping her hands.

Ash chuckled at her before turning back to me again, he wrapped his arms around me and looked at what I was wearing.

"You look lovely" He said in a low tone before leaning in to kiss me. My legs felt like jelly and my fingers went cold. He made me feel so. .argh
I responded to his kiss, pressing my body against his. He held me tighter, almost leaving me breathless. He tasted like jelly beans, the red ones in particular. So sweet. I swear he has a pack on him somewhere.

"Andddddd! There's our ride, thank God!" Dani exclaimed, rushing towards Todd's SUV.

"Sorry about that darling, we're kind of in love" Ash said in between laughs as we made our way across the parking lot.

"Yeah, yeah! I can see that" Dani said before getting into the car.

I burst out laughing at her and she couldn't help but laugh too.

Ash and I climbed in the backseat while Dani rode shotgun.

First stop, the mall.

* * *

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