10 ~ rebellion

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"Fathers do see this as innocent," Cory said. "What's the opposite of innocent?"

Maya raised her hand with a smile on her face. "Right here!" she said. 

"Please don't embarrass me," Riley said.

"That's the point of having dads, Riles," Gabriel said. "They'll always embarrass you."

Cory ignored Gabriel.

"I'm jus gonna talk to Mr. Friar about geography," Cory said. "You know, I've been to a lot of places. Never been to Texas, though. What part of Texas is closest to Mexico?"

"That'd be El Paso, sir,"

"Great! Let's go right now!" Cory said. He began to drag Lucas's chair away from the table.

Lucas waved at Riley. Riley left the table with Maya and Gabriel and asked them, "So, did you do the homework?"

"Yeah," Gabriel said.

"No, I didn't do the homework," Maya responded. "The question on everybody's kiwi lips is, did you do the homework?"

"No, I'm one of the founding members of the Homework Rebellion," Riley said. "You think I did my homework?"

"We think you did hers, too," Gabriel said.

"I did. I did and I really liked it," Riley said.

"I'm so glad that I'm not taking part of whatever this is," Gabriel said. 

"Riley, don't save me," Maya said. 

"What?" Riley said. 

"I think what she's trying to say is let her be her," Gabriel said. 

Farkle walked by and Maya said to him, "Oh. You got two desserts?"

"Angel's food cake..." Riley said. 

"And Devil's food cake. Let me guess who's who," Maya said. 

"Hey, Farkle's just hungry. Not everything is about you," Farkle said. 


Gabriel sat in his usual seat in Cory's class. Riley turned around on her seat to talk to Lucas.

"Hi," Riley said.

"Hi," Lucas responded.

"I'm glad you're back."

"Me too."

Cory approached Riley and Lucas.

"Apparently, you have better sense of direction," Cory said, gesturing to Riley, "than anticipated." 

Riley turned around on her seat and put s her hands on her head.

Cory did the I'm watching you signal towards Lucas. 

"You're a really good-looking  guy," Cory said to Lucas. "Okay," he began the lesson. "So, today we're gonna find out if anybody believes in something so strongly, they'd fight for it. Maya."

"Yes, sir," she said.

"Present your homework," Cory requested.

"Can't do that, sir," she said.

"Why not?"

"Didn't do it, sir."

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