First Love - I

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"There are numerous ways in which God can make us lonely and lead us back to ourselves. This was the way He dealt with me at that time."


"Uhmm... V, why did you bring me here?" Sohye asked the tall blonde guy next to her. "Shouldn't we be at Yoongi's place?"

V didn't answer. He only stared at the small pizzeria in front of them. It stood in a run-down building that looked like it would crumble anytime soon. She didn't know why but V brought her here after he told her that the next person she had to save would be Yoongi.

Sohye had seen him many times, and from her observations, he seems to be the type of guy who isn't scared of anything. He has that cold look on his face that can easily intimidate others. So the question was, what could even make him feel suicidal when he seems to be so tough?

"Have you ever fallen in love, Park Sohye?" V asked.

The question caught Sohye by surprise.

"And what does that have to do with Yoongi's case?" she asked back, avoiding the question. She wasn't exactly thrilled by the idea of disclosing personal things to V, or the fact that she was clueless about it.

To be honest, she never dated anyone in her entire life or let alone be in-love. She had her fair share of crushes mostly pop stars, actors, and popular sunbaes, but she never felt anything close to love. She never experienced any romantic emotions as strong as the one she had seen in her friends or other girls her age.

She never gave so much thought about it, thinking she was still young and such things would later come in her life. But lately, she couldn't help but wonder if she should have been open to the idea. Like what if she really dies in the end, wouldn't it be a real downer to think she had never experienced falling in love while she was alive.

"Just answer. Have you ever fallen in love?" he pressed.

Sohye pouted but shook her head. There goes her pride...

"Well, consider yourself lucky I guess," V answered, a response Sohye wasn't even expecting. For a second there, she thought he was gonna mocked her for being so innocent.

"Look," he said, pointing his chin at a direction.

Sohye's eyes followed to where he was pointing and saw a pale guy with black hair and a familiar face walking inside the pizzeria. It took her a minute to realize that the guy was Yoongi.

V then snapped his fingers, and they were automatically transported inside the building. She saw Yoongi entered the employee's room and later came out, carrying a red scooter helmet and a pizza box on his other hand.

"I'm going," he monotonously said to the man in the counter.

"Be quick," the man answered back. "You've got more to deliver. It's gonna be a busy day."

Suga nodded before he went out of the door. Sohye followed him outside and watched him put the pizza on the blue delivery box on the back of the scooter before hopping onto it.

He was about to start his engine when his phone rang, and he had no choice but to answer it. He pulled out his phone from the pocket of his jacket and answered it.

"Hello?" Yoongi said, and then an out of the place smile appeared on his face. His expression caught Sohye's attention. It was the first time she actually saw him smile like that since he always seems so stoic.

"Yes, oppa didn't forget, Sunmi-ah," Sohye heard Yoongi said on the phone, his voice full of adoration. "Wait for me later, okay?"

With that, Yoongi placed his phone back in his pocket and went off, leaving V and Sohye behind.

"Was that his girlfriend?" Sohye turned to V.

He only nodded, but something about his expression appeared to be forbidding that it didn't surprise her when he opened his mouth and spilled out the real story.

"But she doesn't deserve him," V said with a hard voice. "She doesn't really love him. She's just toying with him."

V flicked his fingers, and in a second, Sohye found themselves inside a coffee shop. It was easy to tell with the delicious scent of coffee beans filling her nose, and the calming vibe of its wooden furnitures and dim light.

Sohye roamed her eyes around the shop. There were only a few customers: an elderly couple sitting in a table near the door, talking; a group of five students, who all have books under their noses--probably studying for a cram test; and a girl with long straight locks sitting alone in the corner of the cafe.

"That's her, Yoongi's girlfriend, Jung Hyemin," V said, his face blank and emotionless.

Sohye stared at the girl. She was pretty, her face was small, her lips a pale pink, and her hair was as dark as midnight. She was also petite and small, giving her an innocent look. Sohye just couldn't picture her doing all of V's accusation.

Perhaps it was all a misunderstanding... Or V was just an asshole.

Sohye turned to V in confusion. "Are you even sure you've got the right girl?"

"You really suck at judging people's character. Didn't anyone told you that?" V sarcastically said to her.

Sohye raised an eyebrow at him. "Didn't anyone ever tell you that you're really rude?"

"Yeah, I get that a lot," V smirked. "But today is not the day to talk about me. I'd rather you focus the spotlight on the pretty girl in front of you so you'd know I'm telling the truth."

Sohye sighed and turned her eyes back to Jung Hyemin. The girl has her attention on her phone, touching its screen as if texting someone. After a few moments, the wind chimes by the shop's door clinked, signaling someone's entrance.

Sohye turned to the door and saw this tall, handsome guy walked in. And she wasn't exaggerating with her description. The guy was handsome. He looked like a pretty guy taken out from a manhwa.

But that wasn't the only thing that surprised Sohye because after he entered the coffee shop, he walked literally straight towards Jung Hyemin and gave her a peck on the cheek. The whole scene was enough to make Sohye's jaw dropped.

Jung Hyemin was indeed cheating!

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