Lie - VIII

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Will he die just like this? All because she couldn’t do anything?

She should have paid more attention to Jimin. If she had, this might have never happened.

Tears fell down from her cheeks as she realized that she didn’t take care of him as she should have all because she didn’t understand him. She was so self-centered. And because of that, Jimin is going to die.

“Please save Jimin,” she prayed. Sohye doesn’t care anymore if she loses the deal with V. She just couldn’t watch Jimin die in front of her.

That was when she heard the knob turning, someone was trying to open the door.

“Jimin! Open this door, you idiot! Open it! We’re here!” a familiar voice shouted from the other side of the door. It was Jungkook.

A loud thud came next as Jungkook tries to open the door with more force.

Yes, Jungkook. Sohye could clearly hear him now and the maids trying to stop him. If only she could help him open the goddamn door.

Sohye turned her eyes to the knob. She raised her hand weakly, reaching out to knob, remembering what the old man said to her in the hospital.

Spirits can make things move.

Sohye concentrated at the knob. She will help Jimin. With all her will, she imagined turning the knob with her mind. Slowly, she could feel its sensation as if her hand was on the knob. And when she was sure, she can do it, she quickly turned it, and the knob clicked open.

Jungkook burst inside the door.

“My God, Jimin!” he shouted upon the sight.

Jungkook quickly pulled Jimin out of the tub and laid him on the floor. He then started tapping Jimin’s cheeks, trying to wake him up but to no avail.

Sohye tears started to fall. Was she too late? Is Jimin going to die?

“No, don’t give up,” Jungkook’s voice caught her attention. She stared at him and saw in Jungkook’s eyes the will to save Jimin.

Jungkook lowered his face to Jimin’s and did mouth to mouth resuscitation, then placed his hands on Jimin’s chest and started pumping out the water from his lungs.

“Come on, Jimin, fight,” he said as he repeated the process. Then suddenly a miracle happened, Jimin breathed and coughed out the water from his lungs.

“Jimin!” Jungkook shouted.

Jimin slowly opened his eyes and saw Jungkook crying. He weakly smiled at him, “You just kiss me, didn’t you?”

Jungkook stifled a laugh and hugged the friend he almost lost. “How can you still joke in a situation like this,” the boy remarked as he helped Jimin sit up.

Suga, Jin, Hoseok, and Namjoon then arrived at the scene, followed by some maids who seems to be stopping them from entering. Although distressed at the scene, the boys were happy to see Jimin was okay. Hoseok cried and hugged Jimin, apologizing because he wasn’t there when he needed him the most.

Sohye watched them at the corner, still weak and lying on the ground.

Her vision was starting to fade as Namjoon ordered one of the maids to call the ambulance.

Was she dying? She smiled to herself. Well, at least, Jimin was alive, and that was enough.

So this is what it feels like… she thought as she closed her eyes. Sohye then felt as if she became as light as a feather, as if someone was carrying her.

The last thing she remembers was a deep soothing voice.

“You did well, my angel...” it said before everything went into oblivion.

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