Stigma - III

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“And then I killed him.”

A chill slid down Sohye’s spine.

“I killed my own father, Sohye.” he continued. “I stabbed him again and again--each felt like a release of anger, pain, and all those feelings I kept for so long. It was numbing. I wasn’t even sure if I was feeling anything even after seeing the blood slowly drenching his shirt. I felt nothing.  If it wasn’t for my sister, I think I wouldn’t have stopped.”

“She pushed me away from my father, shouting at me words I couldn’t understand. The only thing that made me realized what I have done was the blood in my hands, warm and red.”

V looked at Sohye suddenly, studying her reaction.

“I won’t make you listen to the rest,” he said quietly. “I managed to escape the police for a few months. But I died later though. And that led to this,” V gestured to his glorious immortal state.

“Like they say, no sin can go unnoticed in the eyes of God. I was punished. I was turned into this,” he explained. “I became a soulless monster, tormenting the souls of your likes. I have become the devil who influences people to sin and doom themselves. I have---”

“Sorry, but I don’t really believe that,” Sohye started, cutting off V. “I don’t really think you have turned into a soulless monster. Well, not yet.”

V stared at her with an unreadable expression on his face. Nonetheless, Sohye continued.

“Yes, you have killed your father, and that makes you a sinner, but didn’t you also protect your sister? You killed him because at that moment that was the only choice you have to stop him from hurting her. You protected someone, V. And that isn’t a wrong thing.”

Sohye stared at V. His grey eyes, at the moment, were warm and alive. It was hard to explain it, but a part of her was sure he did have a soul. And it wasn’t damned yet. No, not yet. And that was when a particular thought entered into her mind. Something she hadn’t given much thought before.

“What if you’re just like me, V? What if your soul can still be saved? What if---”

“I’m already dead, Sohye,” V stated. “My soul has already been judged.  And you can’t do anything about it.”

“Still, shouldn’t you at least try?”

“Try what?”

“You told me that no sin can go unnoticed in the eyes of God. I believe the same goes for redemption. If you believe in God, then you must also believe in His Mercy, right?”

“Not all sins can be forgiven,” he said in a quiet voice. “I am here right now because I have to pay for what I had done when I was alive. This is my redemption, Sohye.”

“And you’re okay with that?”

V nodded much to Sohye’s disappointment. She looked away from V, her lips pulling down in a frown. Here she goes again, trying to lend her hand to someone who doesn’t even want it.

“I appreciate the concern though,” he said.

The words caught Sohye off guard. She never heard V spoke like that, so she turned her attention back to him, and to her surprise saw him smile at her.

That was the first time she saw him smile. He never smiled. No, not in that way. He would, but it was always crooked, mocking. However, this one wasn’t. It was different. It was natural, genuine. And it was beautiful especially at how it lit up his otherwise gloomy countenance.

Sohye stared at V. After hearing the story of his human life, she couldn’t help but feel a little more sympathy for him. To think of it, he always seemed so lonely all the time. He may appear emotionless most of the time, but what if it was just his mask to hide his emotions… a tormented soul damned to ignore his true feelings and suffer along with it.

She was beginning to see that. And she hated it. She just couldn’t accept it.

Sohye bit her lip, and when she opened her mouth, her lips spoke the words right out from her heart.

“If there is any way I can help you, I will,” she said as she looked at V’s eyes. “I promise.”

V stared back at Sohye. He knew she meant it. He could see it in her eyes, her sincerity and her kindness. How unfortunate though that he had only met someone like her when he had fallen way too down.

If only he had met her earlier then maybe she could have saved him. Perhaps, everything would have turned out differently.

The corner of his lips pulled up in a smile as he raised his hand and laid it on Sohye’s head.

“Thank you, Sohye,” he quietly said. “Thank you.”

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