Begin - II

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“Why blame yourself for everything that happened?” Sohye said, walking towards the bed, sitting on the edge.

“I’m sure your hyung never intended to hurt you with his choice,” Sohye continued speaking, although knowing he could never hear her. “And I bet he doesn’t want to see you this broken.”

A tear fell down from Jungkook’s eyes, and Sohye tried to wipe it with her fingers only to realize she couldn’t touch him. She was a spirit.

She sighed and instead wandered her eyes to the room. The walls were painted light blue, there was a cabinet, and a study desk in the corner--an opened notebook on top of it.

Sohye stood up from the bed and walked to the desk. She looked at the notebook and saw written words and a date on the upper right corner of the page. It was a diary. It was Jeon Jungkook’s diary.

Sohye decided to read the opened page dated October 10:



It was supposed to be a good time. We drove to the port to watch the sunrise. We were all hanging out, laughing with each other, when Jin-hyung noticed Taehyung climbing up the scaffolding.We tried to stop him, yelling at him to come down but he didn’t stop until he was on top. To our surprise, he runs to the edge and jumped. We watched in horror as he fell to the water with a strong impact. Namjoon-hyung got out of his jacket and jumped into the water immediately, followed by Yoongi and Hoseok-hyung.

Namjoon-hyung came out of the water seconds later, Taehyung unconscious on his arms. We helped them out of the water and tried to wake him up. When he didn’t bulge, everyone panicked until Jin-hyung told us to take him to the hospital.

The doctors said Taehyung had hit his head on something hard, causing internal bleeding. They didn’t know when he will wake up. They even told us he might suffer from a coma. But I know hyung, he’s a fighter. He’ll wake up in no time, and when he does, I’ll make sure to punch him in the face and ask him why the hell did he do that.



Taehyung. So that was the name of the boy who committed suicide.

“Is this how you’re going to save him? By peeking on his diary, and snooping on his life?” a voice spoke out and surprised the hell out of her.

“What the--”

Sohye snapped her head to see V leaning on the door with his arms crossed, sporting his signature crooked smile.

“What the what?” he asked her, the corner of his lips lifting, showing a crooked smile.

“Nothing,” Sohye shook her head. She turned her eyes back to Jungkook’s diary, igniting a spark of curiosity. “Who is Taehyung? And why did he commit suicide?”

“A typical teenager with problems he couldn’t handle. Nothing more,” V answered her nonchalantly. “Either way, he isn’t important now. He’s the one you should be taking care of.”

V used his lips to point to Jungkook who just stirred on his bed. He rolled to his side and slowly opened his eyes.

“Taehyung,” Sohye heard Jungkook whispered before saying an inaudible sentence as he sat up.

He took out his phone from the pocket of his jacket and wore his earphones, then played something from his phone. The sound coming from the earbuds was so loud, Sohye could tell it was a not a song but a record of someone’s voice.

Jungkook face changed, his expression hardened. He stood up from his bed and wore his hoodie. Was he going somewhere?

Sohye turned to the door but V was already gone, so he followed Jungkook as he walked out of his room. He went down the stairs and carelessly wore his rubbers, not bothering to tie them properly.

He opened the door and stepped out of his house. It was already dark outside, the streets illuminated by the lampposts alone.

“Yah! Where are you going?” Sohye called out to Jungkook, running in front of him to face him. But what she saw next scared the remaining life out of her.

Jungkook’s eyes were so dark. They felt so vacant, dull...and lifeless. They felt dead.

He was going to do something bad.

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