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Sam didn’t follow me – that much was evident.  As I took a deep breath, my lips quivered as I leaned against the wall by his room, letting out a sob that hurt just as much as it did holding it.  I knew by now Cam could hear me, but if I wanted him to come out or not was a different thing.  I pressed my face into my hands and clenched my jaw, gasping slightly with pain until I was crying again, a warm set of arms wrapping around my waist.

            Turning my head, I looked at Cam’s gaze, his fingers trailing gingerly down my cheek in a way that left my heart fluttering.

            “Now why is a pretty lady such as you crying?” he whispered softly, placing a kiss on my cheek and trailing his lips down.  Truthfully, I had missed everything about him, and he being so close to me had my heart erupting into a rapid beat of flutters.

            “Cammy…” I whispered, rubbing my hand over my eyes to clear my vision from the tears.

            “Mmm…?” he replied in a soft murmur back, his arms wrapping securely around me once again.

            “It’s time to go home, all right?”

            I could feel him smile against my hair and I allowed myself to curl into him, burying my face into his neck.  The sweet aroma of his cologne and the natural scent of a wolf rolled off of him and I gave a soft groan of delight at it, knowing that the smell he gave off was something unique.

            Thoughts began to swim through my mind as he took my hand, lacing our fingers together as we set off into the world with our new lives ahead of us.  I wondered just what Sam was thinking when he realized the reason he couldn’t be with me was because she had threatened my life, the kids we could’ve had, and possibly everything else.

            My hand clenched at my side and Cam looked at me sideways with a worried glance, though I shrugged it off, biting onto my lip as I thought about the possibilities of the different future that I could have had.

            “If you keep thinking so much, sweetheart, your head might explode.” Cam teased, laughing when I jabbed at his side.  Spinning the keys on his finger, I leaned over, curious as to whose they were.

            “Whose pretty keys?” I giggled out, tangling my fingers with his.

            “Elija is letting me borrow his motorcycle,”

            “Is that safe for you to drive?”

            “I know how to drive a motorcycle, Star.”

            Rolling my eyes, I watched him stretch once we were out of the rest house, his muscles becoming visibly relaxed.  Smiling brightly at him, I leaned up and kissed his cheek before following his lead, watching him hop onto the motorcycle with ease.  Yet the flinch he had given caused me to smirk and he growled at me, tugging me on behind him.  I kissed his shoulder and gave a laugh, situating myself on the back before panicking slightly. “Cam?” I murmured, leaning forward.  The little bump in my stomach had only given me hope that Cam and I would be expecting another child, yet I didn’t tell him, too afraid to encase anything would happen.


            I shifted a bit on the seat until I was comfortable, biting onto my lip. “I need a helmet.”

            “No you don’t; you’re perfectly safe with me.”

            I kept quiet and buried my face into his back, my arms wrapping around his waist as he turned the key, the soft humming beginning from a soft hum to something increasingly louder as we began to speed down the road, the trees zooming passed us as we began to go increasingly faster.

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