Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

I followed them easily, my jaw ticking every now and then as I took a turn, feeling the rope burn into my wrist and only seem to let out blood that easily began to fall out without even breaking an inch.  The man in front of me let out a snicker and I made a scoff at the back of his head, my eyes narrowing into slits at his features.  I was told to be quiet, a low growl slipping out of my lips as I gazed at my surroundings, the dark clouds that had began to seep over my house.  Closing my eyes, I clenched my jaw, praying to myself that Cam would be all right.

            “She won’t be smiling much longer,” one of the men piped up, and I stared at them, my eyes swimming black as I watched them.

            “Excuse me?” I growled out, my body tensing as I took a step forward only to be held back when the gun shots began.

            I turned my head in time to see Cam’s body be slammed against the window, a gun pointed to his head.  Tears pricked my eyes and my body began to heat up with the rage I was feeling, yet the more I struggled against the ropes, the more they began to cut into my wrists and let me bleed out.

            My body began to sway with blood loss, yet before my eyes fluttered closed, I watched the bullet fly through his chest, letting my fiancée’s body fall to the floor.

            “Is she waking up?”

            “I haven’t a clue.”

            There was a shuffling sound as my body began to function again, yet I was stopped by the massive amount of pain that was sparking in my wrists and my chest.

            “Is she always this way?”

            “You’d have to ask the Captain.  I don’t know.”

            “The Captain is…”


            Parting my lips, I allowed a soft breath of air to pass before drifting back into the dark abyss of sleep.

            “Good morning, sunshine.”

            Giving a groan, I tried to roll over, yet I was unable to move.  My eyes opened on their own slowly, adjusting to the bright light that was flittering through the window next to my right.  The cool sheets underneath my fingertips had me shivering and wanting to curl further into them, yet I didn’t.  I could feel my hair tie pressing into the base of my neck in the back where I had it still in the ponytail, my bangs curled around my face.

            “Cam…” I whispered softly, my fingers gripping the sheets hard enough until there was a slice in the fabric.

            “Cam is…”

            There was a thump, and I watched Drew hit will upside the head, his eyes narrowing into slits. “Idiot.” He muttered under his breath, shaking his head.

            “Cam is what?” I asked softly, hearing the rapid beat of my heart in my chest as my eyes became warm with tears.

            The two men looked at each other, before looking at me, bowing their heads in respect as if I were a queen.  A bit onto my lip roughly as I watched them each lift up slowly before giving me a sad smile.

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